I know this is going to sound weird, but... I have been roleplaying (Rp'ing) on forums for a long time. I started out with a group of friends who would usually post a few sentences. It lasted for years and I had a ball. I've done another one a few years ago where it again lasted a few years but the posts were varied from a few sentences to several paragraphs. It seems that no one likes my posting style now, and a lot of people turn me down simply because I don't post as much as they do or even a paragraph. I can't even join one because the same rules. I have word selection problems, meaning that it's a real struggle for me to post more than what I can think of in a post. Even rp wise, when I run out, especially when people make me have a minimum, I go insane trying to think of more to post. It's like walking through sand for me, even sometimes I struggle with what to type within a short limit. It's a handicap I've had all my life, and I've tried to do posts before with a minimum with disastrous results. I've also had people bully me over the issue and make fun of it, even after I explained it. I've had people dump me as soon as I start because of it, people who don't even reply as soon as they find out, even people who just mark down my posts for saying I have the problem. I have great ideas and I love rp'ing... I wouldn't be doing it for as long as I have if I haven't. I don't want to quit, but it hurts having this happen all the time, especially with all the comments. What should I do? Should I just give up rp'ing altogether?
You shouldn't just give up all together. I use to do both styles myself, one in a group with a few friends and others in forums that were longer. Try exploring different communities. I know that Roleplay nation has "Simple roleplays." I myself don't RP there but I think those are close. Also have you considered looking for one on one or small group roleplays with people on or off forums? Usually they are more flexible. If you want I would be willing to do a one on one roleplay and personally quite adaptable to what others write. I think there is still a community out there that you could fit into, it is just a matter of finding it.
Roleplays are a two-way street in which all participants have to try to provide enough context that the next poster is able to reply to them without too much struggle. If you're the one struggling, particularly with writing a lot, there's a few things that could be causing it. The first thing I can suggest is trying to practice your writing as much as possible. You won't see much improvement right away, but if you're able to keep at it, you may gain some more confidence in yourself, at the least. Another suggestion would be to try to find an RP partner or group that your style or ability meshes with well. If you're able to find somebody whose style is similar, and you get along well with OOC, maybe you'll improve, maybe you won't, but you'll be able to have fun the way you are right now. Judging by your avatar, I would guess you're a fan of Pokémon. There is a massive Pokémon RP community on tumblr, with even more people coming in as a result of the new games. That may be a good place to look for people. If not, I'm certain there's people within KH-Vids itself that have a similar mindset. I've been RPing online for eight years now. During that time I've considered quitting myself more than just a few times because I believed that I wasn't good enough to be worth other people's time. But over that time I've consistently realized that my enjoyment of it matters more than whether or not I'm good at it. Never give up on something that you genuinely enjoy.
I have tried to expand it. It gets horrendously frustrating for me to do so. To the point where I'm going out of my mind to make a single post of four sentences or even less. I have been rp'ing steadily for years, and I have tried to do so over the years to help others and it never works. I'm not being mean about it, and it's possible, but it makes me insane and utterly miserable to do so to the point where I want to quit. Picture a teacher assigning you homework in a class: They want a thousand words, no more, no less. You can think of 800, then your brain stops, no matter what you do or try, you can't think of those extra 200 words. You go to the dictionary, you go to thesaurus, you try everything you can think of but your brain can't think of one more word to write on the topic. You are stuck at 800 with a teacher wanting more which you can't produce. Even making things up doesn't allow you to think of anything. This has happened to me literally with every assignment I've ever had in school. And I've had thousands of them, even in elementary it was an uphill battle to write to the standards they would want. I have the same problem when I know too much, a five page paper can easily turn into a 15 without me realizing it because I just know so much and I write it all down. Then I battle with trying to shorten it. Thanks... I usually do bleach/Red vs Blue (huge fan right now. :) Especially with a Halo mixture.) Pokemon/.hack/Legend of Zelda, Mass Effect maybe... Assassins Creed, no tv shows because I don't really watch that anymore. XDDD... If you're interested, give me a shout. *bows* Thank you. EDIT: I REALLY like RPNation, thank you... =3 It looks perfect the Simple one. *bows* What's your username? I'll say you recommended me. :D
Everyone roleplays differently. As mentioned before, I would try and find a group or other people that have the same style as you. Just because you write a sentence or two, doesn't mean you are a bad roleplayer or a bad writer. It takes a lot of imagination and creativity to RP! There are many sites you can use to help with your writing. And then post it in our creative corner for us to read! We can help give you pointers if you want. I use this website for tips, writers block, and just general ideas. I used their write a day boot camp and it was awesome. I hope you continue to keep doing what you're doing. And if you ever need any help, tips or a proof read or even to RP with, I'm definantly here. :)
I can't get into most RPs for this reason, to be honest. The word count is too high, and not only that but there's just no point to it. The extra paragraphs don't really progress the story-telling experience; there's only so much you can say or do before you're dependent on the other participants' input. Sometimes a paragraph or two is appropriate, not all the time. So no, I don't think you should give up. I believe the problem is with the RPs, not with you. In fact, I might start one and invite you to it, because it definitely won't be like that. I prefer the PbP style, almost like diceless D&D. The gameyness helps ensure that the plot stays goal-oriented and doesn't dwell on any one scene for too long. btw I'm a writer by trade and consider myself pretty good so it's definitely not your writing skill at fault ;o (Never hurts to practice tho!)