Weird news day: Mother of two breastfeeds her dog, to feel "complete," and like a better mother.

Discussion in 'Current Events' started by Cherry Berry, Oct 22, 2012.


Do you agree with the psychologist? That this woman should get therapy.

Poll closed Nov 5, 2012.
  1. Nope.

  2. Yes.

  1. Cherry Berry Chaser

    Dec 4, 2006
    Nudist Beach
    So I stumbled across this certain article the other day, at first on the magazine my sister brought back from Ireland.

    In all honesty, I don't know what to think regarding this situation. This mother couldn't get either child to latch onto her nipple... But now uses one teat for her children, and the other for the pup to latch onto. I would provide a picture, but this is a PG13 site and besides, you probably wouldn't want to look.

    Know what? Here's what I think;

    On the one hand, hey, at least she found a way to feel "complete". She can do what she wants, as it's a free world! Well, within reason...

    Therapy could be good for her... Because I think somewhere along the lines she feels distressed at how neither child would latch onto her teat.

    But on the other hand... Isn't it unhygienic and potentially dangerous?

    But enough about what I think! What do you all make of this?
  2. Railos Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 25, 2012
    Well, I think it is incredibly weird, but that's my opinion. I don't think she needs therapy though her explanation sounds sane enough and it makes sense. If it make their dog stronger and healthier then why not? Though I don't know about the "complete" part, when she already has another daughter being fed breast milk.
  3. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    How would that make her feel complete? If she wants to feel like a better mother then she should focus more on her own kids rather than pretending to be the mother of a dog. This lady needs help. Breast feeding a dog doesn't make you a better mother towards your own children. Unless of course she decides to ditch them for the pug.
  4. Pinekaboo Chaser

    Feb 18, 2011
    I don't see this as all that weird at all. The dog was the runt of a litter that wasn't eating her food, and breast milk from any animal has good nutrients in it. Nobody thinks that drinking a cow's milk is weird, and yet that's exactly the same thing.
    The fact is that this way the dog gets the nutrients she needs, and the woman gets the emotional fulfillment she missed out on by not being able to breastfeed her own children. It's a win-win situation, it's not being done for sexual reasons, and nobody is being harmed psychologically or physically. The danger in allowing the dog to suckle on her is pretty much zero; dogs breastfeed normally themselves after all.

    tl;dr - It's not something that needs psychological help for.
  5. MadDoctorMaddie I'm a doctor, not a custom title!

    Apr 19, 2008
    Med Bay
    ... Why isn't there a pump involved?!

    I actually do think she might benefit from therapy, not because I think she's a freak, but she seems to be suffering from self-esteem issues, possibly even some kind of delayed postpartum depression. She seems to be feeling guilty about not being able to breastfeed her children, and I don't think this is gonna make those feelings go away.
  6. The Twin My, what a strange duet

    Mar 30, 2007
    The Devil's Carnival
    I agree with the above bit. If the dog likes the taste of breast milk and it actually is beneficial to the dog, then pump some for the dog and feed it that way. Dog may not bite much now, but one day she will, and a bite there could lead to all kinds of infections (and also be hella painful because, let's face it, boobs are sensitive).

    I suggest therapy, not for much for the breastfeeding bit but the guilt. I'm more worried about depression more than how weird bf-ing a dog is.
  7. jafar custom title

    Dec 28, 2007
    Meh, i don't see the big deal. It's weird, but it's her body. as long as it isn't hurting anyone. People do weirder, more dangerous **** anyways. Really, this is just a story for bored housewives.