Yea, so I'm back for the weekend. 8D WHO MISSED ME? So here's what happened. 1. We found two baby hawks on the trail. We named them Fred and George. We had a hell of a time trying to get someone to take them (YOU EXPECT A BUNCH OF COLLAGE KIDS/SENIORS IN HIGH SCHOOL TO TAKE CARE OF BABY ANIMALS?). Apparently, the local zoo dislikes baby hawks B|. Unfortunately, George died before we could get someone to take them. After that, Fred just kind of lost the will to live and he died as well. ;_; 2. I washed dishes. ALL WEEK. 3. I cleaned a fridge. With bleach. My shirt got ruined and I was like FFFFFFFFFFF- 4. We played Apples to Apples war style. Apparently Rednecks are sexy. 5. Ruined my diet with candy. 6. I suck at Old Maid.