WebComic: Untouchables

Discussion in 'Archives' started by TheOtherKeyblade, May 10, 2007.

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  1. TheOtherKeyblade Destiny Islands Resident

    Mar 29, 2007
    As Crazy as it may seem I do not just write/draw Kingdom Hearts. This is infact a personal project taken on by myself and my best friend starting almost a year ago now. These characters and plot have alot of History and lot of time put into them as we have taken them from mere sub-characters in an Harry Potter RPG of all things and turned them into something really great.

    The Art is mostly done by me although my partner in crime does do our Animals. She does alot of the script although we have outlined the plot together. We have known each other so long, working like this was no trouble.

    Anywho, we'd be really appreicative if you'd drop by and take a look around Comic pages won't start going up until after I graduate, but we'll have fillers up and little eye-candy for you to take ganders at. Just click the picture to take you to our wonderful new webpage. xD


    I wish I could offer you a Summary of the entire plot, but my Partner in Crime is going through her end of the year gig so she's yet to finish putting together something pretty. So until then, if anyone wants to hear me Ramble about the plot then just ask.
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