WOOHOO I DREW SOMETHING WITHOUT LOOKING AT A PICTURE FOR ONCE IN MY LIFE X3......sorta....I've already shown some of you this drawing already I hope it wins the art contest at the anime convention I'm going to >.< . It took me a while to find the write english to japanese translation for "We are the same" though I'm still not too sure about it. I sorta noticed I didn't erase somethings and the hands are a little bit messed up but then again i'm not too good with the drawing hands. Also the reason I drew both namine and kairi with one eye close and the other open was because I couldn't draw the other eye very well....I've always had trouble with that. Anyway if there is anything you'd like to say ( comments, critisim ( yeah I think I spelled that wrong), or anything that could help me fix drawings later) would be fine. :3 NYEH!!!! * has been watching too much Yu-Gi-Oh abridged*