Anyone ever heard of them? I just started listening to them today and I'm totally digging them. They've kinda got a techno/electronica feel to them. They also remind me of Breathe Carolina. But anyways, my favorite song as of now is 'The Shake Up' -- These ones are also decent: I'll Take Famous Murders For 500 -- I Ruin Dreams, Not Nightmares --
Kinda unsure about them, but damn The Shake Up is kinda catchy. I'll Take Famous Murders For 500 reminds me of something that I can't quite place it, I don't like it very much though. I Ruin Dreams, Not Nightmares is kinda kyoot but not amazing. I won't lie, I am not overly fussed by them, they are alright but kinda meh IMO. Maybe they will grow on me.