WHAT. She's already barely wearing anything as it is! (just revived the trees around the town. I havn't played in a while >_>)
Lol yeah, I think she goes through one more clothes shedding, then remains like that. This is Rao's theme btw, so if your parents are around while you're playing turn down the volume or awkwardness will ensue. [video=youtube;9LesMzyYrHI]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9LesMzyYrHI&p=19D6CBB7DAB165C8&playnext=1&index=58[/video]
hahaha yeah me and my bro play that game and im like damn lady put on some clothes, especially when she loses even more clothes xD ps nice song ill make sure to put that as my theme song
Sakura honestly is covered well except for her breasts, its when she loses it thats revealing. Although Shakura is a big slut.