It's that time of the year again, /khv/, and once again I will ask..... herpderp herpderp herpderp Are any of you soon to be rape victims going to Warped Tour this year? If you are... cool, bro. If you are... when, man? If you're not... piss in your mouth. In all seriousness, I'm going tomorrow and if any of you are going too it be cool to see you or something. But mainly so I may grope you roughly without permission, then give you a free 'hug.' :D See you in the pit. ;}
Nice. Did you enjoy smelling like weed and stale beer on the ride home? Haha. I saw ADTR last year. It was pretty rad.
I told you to go awhile ago, dudetteeee. D: Honda Civic Tour? I might be hitting that up too. Golden showers all around then. :3