Which version are you talking about? The 1953 or 2005 adaptation? Spielberg's version was good but it's nothing comparable to the original book. Though the wee lassie plays a big part in that.
I loved it. It was really suspenseful and the story was a bit weird but still cool. Also had some funny parts to it lol
I enjoyed the movie, not quite one of my favorite movies ever but a nice movie nonetheless. I didn' t read the original btw, which usually helps appreciating adaptations for what they are. There' s a shot in that movie that I' m not about to forget though : It' s refreshing to see an alien invasion summer blockbuster whose priciest and most complex shot doesn' t feature any alien, starship or explosion. If you wonder what' s so special about it then watch it while imagining you' re the one holding the camera, basically you' d have to be the love child of Clark Kent and Kitty Pride or something.