Okay, I woke up not too long ago, and I can't remember anything from this past week. At all. I'm not even sure if I went to bed with my mind like this, but all I know is that I'm extremely uncomfortable with the fact that it's April 1st right now when I can't remember anything past March 26th, when I came back home from a party. There was beer (which I drank to excess, of course), but no funny s***, I'm sure of that. It is now April first (ironically). So, um, yeaaah Where the hell has the past week of my life gone?
Well, funny thing there....heh....yeaah.... N-none of your damn business! ;___; I had made some phone calls, and I'm starting to remember things a bit less hazily, so I think I'm good now. Well, aren't you a special little thing.
Because you're a kooch, you'll always be a kooch, and I'll never see you as anything other than a kooch! D:<