I thought this was going to be a drunken adventure thread. You disappoint me, below61. Though I agree on the naps point.
I was worried people would think that. I can't help it, it's not as though I intentionally take a nap, I fall asleep without realizing it when I get home. It's a bad habit I've been trying to break, but so far have had no success.
Solution: if you catch yourself lying down, set an alarm clock. Don't doubt, no Oh I won't fall asleep. Just do it. This thread is now about alarm clocks. When my alarm clock broke, my parents replaced it with this. I have yet to encounter anything in existence more obnoxious than this bloody contraption, which literally rolls away from you as it goes off. Oh, and if it is on a desk or something of that sort... Yeah, it will fall and its victim however tired will have to pick it up. Either you lay it on the ground, in which case you will still have to get out of bed to turn it off -- or you allow it to fall off, thus contributing to the noise level -- but it doesn't matter, because the thing makes such a racket anyhow. tl;dr no one deserves this shit