I promised myself I wasn't going to make one of these threads but I need to know. People are saying that rapture will come at a specific hour for everyone, correct? Like 11 PM or whatever. ...how does that work with timezones
Simple. The hour it comes for one place will be a similar hour in another place, which is a similar hour in yet ANOTH-oh, why am I going on about this?! The rapture is a bunch of crap! If there was gonna be one, it would have been the FIRST time it was predicted!
It means the East Coast is screwed, your going to see a massive amount of Californians come to Christ. (I kid, this is a load of bull that makes the sane Christians, like me, look bad.)
But that hour in one place wouldn't be the same "prophecy" hour it's supposed to happen, right? That would mean the Bible was lying
Not really. It would only mean that the people who interpret the Bible literally are a bunch of got dang idiots.