Is all she said to me. So right here I stayed. 35 more avatars! Yippee! o; [WARNING: Some of these are a little graphic. Naked-ness is kinda frowned upon in a few places. JUST A FEW. But hey, it's useful to put this here, so I don't get banned. ;3] What is in this lovely bed: Yuri Fanart [Nothing too extensive, thank GS for the references] Headphone girls [Mostly from] Ecchi Artfan/Fanart Wallpapers I collected [Used with allowances] 150x150: <Check out my Photobucket link in my Signature to see these!>
yikes this a lot. I like 9, 10, 28, 31, 33, 34, 35. I think you got the right spot for them, and the colors are great in the pictures. I'm just a sucker for anime, especially girls.
PIKACHU!!!!! :why?: These are pretty good, most are very clear and edited nicely. I'm not an expert on such matters, but they all look eye catching. Keep up the good work!
These are really cute! I defiantly know a few of them like your Nabari no ou avatar, vocaloid, and who doesn't know Pikachu!!! ^^ I really like your couple pictures as well. The colors are so eye catching! Good work.