Okay, I haven't played FFX-2 in a long time, so after hearing Nooj's voice, I recognized it as Superman's.....but how the heck did I not know George Newbern voiced Sephiroth too? I'm trying to play the voices in my head and they don't sound alike at all. Or maybe it's because Sephiroth's voice is a little more deeper and kind of raspy. I just realized, they better make George Newbern voice Sephiroth in FFVII HD
It's probably that he will voice Sephiroth in the re-make. Considering he voiced Sephiroth in Dissidia. So there's a good chance.
Wait... Superman and Sephiroth have the same English voice actor... And Superman can beat Goku... That means... Bonus boss fight where Sephiroth will fight Son Goku confirmed for FF7 remake!
Not happening. This is obviously how Lance Bass plans to announce his comeback tour. Why do you think they keep talking about "changes"? Jeez.