W00t!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by TAFKAA8, Jul 18, 2007.

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  1. TAFKAA8 Banned

    Jul 1, 2007
    I live in the para-Universe.
    I tried once before an it failed miserably. I hope I've found a better way. This one is my newest edition, please try to bear with me and read all of it.

    My new revamped religion with actual rules and guidelines, obscenities!

    You shall if you so choose and you'd better guard your religious principals with the Three Armaments.

    Armament One
    Swearing- The act of saying "I Swear" in front of obscenities.

    Armament Two
    Arms- Things made to hit other things with projectiles and or physical contact, obscenities!

    Armament Three
    Insults- Abasements and otherwise talking obscenities about another thing and or living sentient or otherwise being.

    You shall if you so choose and you'd better follow these principals known as the Eight Simple Rules.

    Simple Rule One
    Follow the obscenities rules you obscenities!

    Simple Rule Two
    This is the right and only correct religion to have. All the cool people are doing it.

    Simple Rule Three
    You must turn around threehundredsixty degrees every day in honor of ...spinning tops and gyroscopes.

    Simple Rule Four
    Obscenities all people who don't join this exclusive religious experience will freeze their obscenities off in a horrendous pile of obscenities for all eternity.

    Simple Rule Four
    I rock, I rule, I own. End of story.

    Simple Rule Five
    You shall not steal unless it is from a nonbeliever and only then if it is intended for me.

    Simple Rule Six
    If you need to fight, do it with your hands and feet not a gun like a obscenities!

    Simple Rule Seven
    You must watch(television) Firefly, Doctor Who(all series), Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Rurouni Shishio, Dead Like Me, and The Daily Show. No questions asked. You must watch(films) Idiocracy, Thank You For Smoking, The Court Jester, and all low budget kung-fu movies available.

    Simple Rule Eight
    Do not kill unless you have a really good reason. Even then only nonbelievers will be mercifully euthanized via stoned to death or fed to wild boars.

    Simple Rule Eight Appendix
    I am your new default God, Emperor and Pope.

    Next time on W00t the book of Nominals.

    P.S. You get immortality if you join within the next six minutes! And we'll throw in a brand new Sweeper Vac absolutely free. Plus you get to transfer all J points into ME points. Call us at 1-800-666-1313. Join Us Today!
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