Video: Do you have a racial preference?

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Trigger, Feb 14, 2018.

  1. Trigger hewwo uwu

    Oct 6, 2006
    Corridors of Time

    Interesting study. Even in a world where there were no ethnic inequality or negative stereotypes I think a lot of people would still wind up with ethnic preferences. Black woman brushes past you as a child and from then on you find curly dark hair hot forever. Definitely the big trends are shaped by ethnic inequalities, but there are a lot of people who are exceptions to the big trends and still have this fetish or that. It’s all a crap shoot what experiences with various ethnicity (or just various physical traits) that we have in our sexual imprinting phase.
  2. Calxiyn Keyblade Master

    Jun 6, 2012
    Cisgender Female
    This idea is just crazy to me, because like with your example something so insignificant as brushing past you could impact basically your entire dating life. Like the butterfly effect for that example seems insane lol
  3. Patman Bof

    Oct 19, 2010
    You might want to refrain from assuming that race was the only deciding factor involved here.
    My best friend through college was Vienamese. He grew up in France though so culturally speaking I felt closer to him than I would a white Russian native. And if we were to judge on looks alone I doubt race would be a bigger deciding factor than, you know, pure hotness. I mean, who would you rather date, that hot black chick in the OP, or my grandma? Good luck quantifying hotness objectively though.

    Basically what I'm getting at is that you can' t derive any useful conclusion from such a "study".
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2018
  4. rheds Banned

    Mar 11, 2018
    Really cool study. Didn't realize that before. Might explain why I'm into some certain type of guys and not others.
  5. Advent 【DRAGON BALLSY】

    Feb 24, 2007
    Overcooked poptart
    Couple of issues here. Firstly, the study isn't "quantifying hotness," it's discerning patterns of what certain people find attractive. Secondly, I have a problem with the idea that something needs to be 100% objective to be studied. In medicine alone, things like pain, level of depression/anxiety, and other subjective phenomena are measured and studied routinely. Yeah, we can't bust out a sad-o-meter and get a result measured in giga-angsts; doesn't mean we can't plot patterns about feelings and use them to learn more about nature. And that's kinda the point of science.

    But more to the point of the thread, it's an interesting study, at least in concept. I haven't bothered to look through the methods and analysis, but the results make sense. Coming from a particular gene pool, you'll likely inherit the predisposition to be attracted to particular physical characteristics. If these particular characteristics happen to be common in a certain racial group, it'll follow that you'll more frequently be attracted to individuals from that group.
  6. Patman Bof

    Oct 19, 2010
    I wasn't saying it does, I was saying you can't. At least not objectively, although I heard some preferences might be universal.

    I was just pointing out that physical characteristics aren' t the only thing we can be attracted to. Some people don' t even put a picture in their profile. I would be careful not to extrapolate those results further than they need to be. That being said, sure, you might still find them interesting.