Today I made a tribute to Vexen using scenes I got from this lovely site and the song Dearly Beloved. I originally made a Larxene one but youtube keeps saying error when uploading it, and the Larxene one is better :( Anyways, here is the link: Vexen Tribute~Dearly Beloved It is basically a video about Vexen's life flashing before his eyes as he comes closer and closer to death at the hands of Axel. I used sepia to show that it was his memories and I muted the original audio apart from the actual parts where Vexen is dying. The very last shot of Vexen burning I am now wishing I made it more slower and I forgot to add a fade in from white to the slide where it says Farewell Vexen but apart from that, I like it. Tell me what you think on either here or youtube :)