As you know, FH is my cousin, and is moving away! I have no idea how to cope without my best friend....I am really happy for her and i know i'll be out there in the Fall if things go to our wishes, but....a whole semester without her smile (besides some weekends) will be really hard. And i'm gonna miss her jokes. *sniff* some advice?
Find ways to stay in contact. Instant messaging/Email is always great, although it might be complicated if she is moving into a different time zone. Personally I like blogging. You can write about what happened each day and have your friends comment on it -- it works well for my friends and me even though we live close. And if she's not moving too far, you can always visit on vacations.
I've recently moved this past summer and left my best friend behind in New York. It really isn't easy, but make sure you keep in touch on the internet/phone. That's the only advice I can give. Hopefully she'll move back like the way I'm planing. I hope you feel better.
Yea I would just try to keep in touch on the internet or the phone, and i'm sure you will be able to visit her often.
considering that you both have accounts there, you keep in good touch and that you're cousins, what is there to cope with.You'll cope..theres no adivce to give except the advice to stay active on this site to talk to each other.