The sig you will be making is like this: Alright, make your document whatever size you want(the smaller the better I always say) Make a black bg and then paste your render. Duplicate the render layer and smudge with the vine brush, or any other smudge brush. Your sig should look like this: Dupe the smudge layer, then do a pick filter at 100. Next, glaussian blur it at somewhere around 20. Then erase some of that, revealing the render. Should look somethin like this: Make a new layer and brush with the sparks brush, covering the entire canvas. Duplicate that and go to the original. then pick some nice colors that blend with your render, and grad map the sparks. then go to the duped one and displace it by iself. Put those two layers a the bottom, and hide the yellow one. Should look like this now: Now, copy visible and paste. Now displace that by the yellow sparks. now dupe the render an put it to the top and put the displaced layer under that. Now here comes the extensive use of paths and the spark brush. If you have never used paths, this may be difficult. Really difficult.... YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED xD. Make a new layer. Okay, now take out the path tool. Put two dots anywhere in your sig and then bend the lines so that it makes a cool design. Then go to Edit>stroke path. Set the width to about 10 pixels. Then displace it by itself, or the sparks....your choice. Keep doing that until you are satisfied. I did this all over the sig. Now get out the sparks brush and brush all around, but by clicking, not just stroking.Try to outline of the sig with the sparks. Then displace by the sparks and grad map that layer. Then do that again, but don't displace. It should look like so: Now, set that layer to lighten only at about 28.7 Now copy visible and paste in a new layer. grad map that with colors that Blend with the render. Set that to color at about 48 or so. Make a new layer and do the paths step again. Do a grad map with white and black colors. Set that to color at about 60 or so. Copy visible and paste in a new layer again. Then grad map with red and green colors. Set that to color at 32 and add text and a border, and YOU ARE DONE! Post results please. =) Made by The_Darkness. Come on people, please try this out....