Birth by Sleep Ven is a doll?

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX' started by lexamus, Jan 1, 2010.

  1. lexamus Twilight Town Denizen

    Well I've been thinking about this and what if Ven is a doll made from Vanitas. I mean every person has Darkness and Light inside them(with the exception of the Princesses of Light). But what if Vanitas managed to transfer all his light into a doll and make Ven. Then after that concentrate the darkness inside him. This could explain why MX told Terra to go find Vanitas because "he had messed up the balance".I started thinking this when I saw ven wrapped around a towel. His blank stare did not look human/normal.
    Post Ur thoughts on this theory here :D

    Edit: Oh I forgot to add this : Also MX asks Vanitas "How is Ventus" and Vanitas says that he's going to make him stronger. This would make sense if this happened during the time period Ven was being created.
  2. AxelRikkuconnection Twilight Town Denizen

    Aug 15, 2009
    im thinkings something opposite that van is something from ven. don't quote me on that im not gonna put all my proof on one page, but i have my reasons for this. its also that the videos and pics all link to them (at least to me) having a relationship (non-sexual lmao). i think mx needs vens heart (when he asks in the video) to give to van. thats a small little sentence to summarize somthing i think is possible. if you want me to share the whole theory ill make a new topic.

    some may agree some may not but thats theories right :P
  3. lexamus Twilight Town Denizen

    yeah this would make sense for my theory if MX is trying to correct his mistake of letting Vanitas do that.

    and sure I'd like to hear Ur theory :D, and trust m I've heard crazier theories than this lol, and since anything could happen in Kingdom Hearts than there should be.
  4. AxelRikkuconnection Twilight Town Denizen

    Aug 15, 2009
    i definetley don't think your theory is crazy i just think the opposite. when u think about it your theory makes some sense. i will post my theory in a couple hours. just a little busy right now.
  5. Nuff' Said Banned

    Dec 20, 2008
    overall this theory is great. It would explain MX's saying "he is a monster infused with darkness" But how would that explain his connection to Sora? I'd like to see if you can explain this or not.
  6. AxelRikkuconnection Twilight Town Denizen

    Aug 15, 2009
    i just thought that van could also be xehanort (in kh2 the apprentice). im stuck between my other theory and this one. xehanort can't weild the keyblade so i think ill stay with the oth rtheory but this is intriguing me
  7. lexamus Twilight Town Denizen

    yes, i thought of that too. A lot of people believe Ven and Sora have a strong connection because of Roxas. If we assume my theory is true then there must be some connection between Vanitas and Sora. They may be brothers or something. This is really difficult to explain so i might have to research some more. If I find anything interesting I'll post it here.
  8. Straxton Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jan 2, 2010
    I think everyone's ignoring the obvious problem of the fact that Ventus has friends.

    He has relationships with Terra and Aqua, and he's been an apprentice of Master Eraqus for an undetermined amount of time. How would he be... a doll? I'm sure people would have taken some suspicion if Ventus was just willed into existence shortly before the events of the game.
    And before someone says "Well maybe Ven was created a long time before Birth by Sleep." Well then, why would Vanitas and Master Xehanort have waited so long before putting their plans for Ventus into action?
  9. AxelRikkuconnection Twilight Town Denizen

    Aug 15, 2009
    thats why my theory is reversed. i don't believe this theory but it somewhat resembles mine but for different reasons and different proof.
  10. lexamus Twilight Town Denizen

    A good example is Riku Replika, in chain of memories he fooled Sora and sora didn't know till Larxene finally told him that he was just a doll. So maybe Ven didn't know either.
  11. Straxton Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jan 2, 2010
    But what I'm saying is that he had relationships with people for (likely) years. Whose memories would he have to make him believe that he's a real person, and why would Vanitas have made this "doll" and then nothing is done with it for years?

    And I think the final fight between the apprentices and Master Xehanort and Vanitas would have gone much differently if this were the case - if Ventus were a part of Vanitas.
  12. AxelRikkuconnection Twilight Town Denizen

    Aug 15, 2009
    agreed. this theory doesn't make much sense. but i still liked the way u thought. u got moxy kid lmao. i just saw straxton develop as a person in kh-vids lol i saw him just join and every post he grows lol new pic and sig and more rep. gj my friend gj
  13. Straxton Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jan 2, 2010
    Ha ha, well thank you very much. I've been on a different KH board for about four years now, and I've been theorizing with a few friends recently, so I'm not really growing too much, ha ha...

    Just thought I'd check out some other BbS theories from around the web.
  14. lexamus Twilight Town Denizen

    Huge spoiler!!

    but then this could be similar to Xion, she had relationships with people, and no1 guessed that she was a doll. She was a doll and yet she had memories of both Axel and Roxas and vice versa. But like I said its just a theory, it could be wrong or could be right.
  15. Nuff' Said Banned

    Dec 20, 2008
    Overall his theory is good but there's another we forgot. ATW said there's always a child with a key that can save the world and connect his heart with anyone. So Vanitas could've killed him on the spot.

    Opposite arguement:
    ATW says all thngs are born from sleep (i think) even you which hints to the room of sleep and the room of awakening
  16. Straxton Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jan 2, 2010
    I didn't necessarily mean "A person who is able to have relationships cannot be fake." You're right, Xion would destroy that.

    The difference is that we saw Xion's relationship develop from the beginning. We know exactly how long her relationships with Axel and Roxas were.
    With Ventus, all we see is that he is very close with Terra and Aqua, and is an apprentice of Master Eraqus. I'm not saying he can't be fake because he has relationships. I'm saying that he can't be fake because he's obviously had close relationships with these people for quite a long time now. If he were fake, and a tool for Vanitas, something would have happened to him by now.
  17. lexamus Twilight Town Denizen

    but like you said, we're not sure how much time they've been friends. And I assume Ven finds out that he is a doll and tells (Aqua?) "Erase Me". I find interesting the word choice. He didn't say kill me, he said Erase.Like as if he were an object instead of human (or somewhat human lol).

    edit: I'm adding more to my theory. These are the words of MX when he's telling Ven something. "You are losing it, Now you have to take everything back, and hold it anew!".
    By "You are losing it" he might mean he is forgetting something, I'm not sure. "Now you have to take everything back" it may mean that he must give back the light to Vanitas and restore the balance. "and hold it anew" Anew means once more or again. Meaning that Vanitas would return to normal.
  18. Firechakram Traverse Town Homebody

    May 5, 2007
    A more appropriate term for "doll" would be "puppet".
  19. lexamus Twilight Town Denizen

    yes but doll came to my mind first lol
  20. Trizzle13 Twilight Town Denizen

    Jun 3, 2008
    Check Your Basement
    Im pretty sure Riku and Vanitas are connected just by appearance and personality.