Are you trying to ask if Ven is cooler than Sora because there's two games released that he's in(considering he's Roxas)? No. For one thing, Ven isn't Roxas so he can't be considered as being in two games. For another, using your logic, Sora is cooler because he's in every game. (Main character of KH1, CoM, 2, RE:CoM, the mobile game if you want to count it, then a version of him is in Coded, he's seen in Days, and he's also seen in BBS). Ven is so far my least favorite of the BBS characters, even behind DS and MX.
Ugh, double comparative. And yes, Roxas is cooler than Sora, because Sora is a happy idiot, while Roxas is an angsty intelligent guy who dual wields the two coolest keyblades from KH1.
This actually matters about the fans. If its saying like roxas is cooler as a organization character then sora that would be different. But just in general the fans have to judge that.
Not saying that, I just mean that i would be some angry emo guy if I was *SPOILERS*plopped into the organization, made 2 best friends, lost one of them, runs away from the organization, gets beaten by riku, gets put in a fake twilight town with fake friends, and have no memory of his past, then to have someone tell him he doesnt exist, and that hes going to disappear, and then disappears into Sora.
Nope. They're POWERFUL Nobodies, but not special. That's why they look human. Roxas and Namine are the special ones. Axel has emotions, which is possibly a side effect of Roxas, or just wanted to believe that he had emotions. Xemnas is possibly special as well. The rest are normal.
Reasons why Sora is cooler than Roxas: If Sora never stabbed himself with the heart releasing keyblade, Roxas would've never existed. Sora wins against Riku in many fights, Roxas loses against him. Sora has more friends than Roxas. <^Seraph>
1. How does that make him cooler? When I think of cool, I don't think of a happy-go-lucky personality like Sora's. 2.Roxas lost one fight against Riku. Sora lost to Riku a lot, even before the game. 3. Sora traveled to many worlds. Roxas didn't.