Okay, so I saw the poster for the movie earlier this week and decided to check out the trailer. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vHkPJ1ACLrg Okay, so this is obviously another parody trailer. I'm not sure how to anticipate this movie. For one thing, the Twilight Saga did have this coming for a while now, their only good movie being Eclipse. It was just too big to not be made fun of. It will point out all of the rediculous things in the series. On the other hand, I don't see any real plot in this trailer. Lately, parody movies seem to just put in all this dumb stuff and hope that it fits. I love making jokes about how stupid Jersey Shore and Lady Gaga is, but I don't think that it belongs in this kind of movie (although I do compare Gaga to a vampire). What are your thoughts?
Yeah, it looks like a 'Scary' movie type of thing, But I feel like I am low enough to watch this movie because of my Twilight hate.
[highlight]Uh-huh. Looks like the usual type of crap 'parody' that goes on in the film industry. A couple of the Scary Movies were funny. The rest of them didn't even qualify as parody, and instead of making fun of the target, just had the audience facepalming. I can honestly say I'd rather watch Twilight than see this. For real Twilight parody, read Everything Wrong With Twilight.[/highlight]
It looks quite funny it made me laugh I shall be watching it when it comes out...I lol'd at the black eyed peas comment
It's another Friedberg and Seltzer film, so it's going to be crap. They have killed my favourite genre of film, and I hate them for it. They have no sense of comic timing or any good writing. It's all just random pop culture references that will be outdated in 2 seconds. Twilight is a joke anyway, so you don't need all the random other stuff, Alice in Wonderland? Lady Gaga? Really? I hate them so much.
These guys are cancer of the movie industry. I can't understand how they're still making money. I really do hope this bombs, but with all the Twillight hate, probably not.
5 currency says that the trailer has all the best jokes so there's no point in actually watching it. Either way, I probably will see it eventually when it comes on sky movies, it's not something I'd go to see at the cinema or buy on DVD.
The commercials and previews look funny, but, like most comedies out there, I'm afraid that the movie has used its funniest points for the commercials, and the rest of the movie will be bad. =/ So it probably won't be worth seeing it in theaters, but if I have the chance, I'll watch it when it comes out of DVD because I'm curious as to whether it'll be any good or not.
After watching the trailer, I'm sure it'll be just as "good" as Seltzer and Friedburg's other "parodies." Those two are incapable of writing or directing anything that's actually funny and I have no idea how they can still find work, especially after the aptly named Disaster Movie.
Saw it....some of it was funny...but not as funny because its already seen in the trailer, I give it like a 4 out of 5 and not just because Im a serious die hard twilight lover,but because it kinda confused me....there was no real plot,Just more like Her trying to get in his pants for like 15 minutes ....gross...My boyfriend thought it was funny...but I wouldnt recomend it....but thats just me >.> see it for yourselves.
To think that the worst pop-culture phenomenon in the last few decades gets one of the worst studios in the industry to work on a film making fun of it.
There were a couple of funny scenes. About 3. Otherwise, SKIP. I wasted about a hour and a half on this movie. D;
Would you do me a favor? Please read this thread and then, assuming you didn't suffer a heart attack, take a picture of your face. It'd be appreciated. I might watch the movie if it's on TV at some point but there's no way I'd pay to see it.
Oh I understand it just fine. I would watch the movie but honestly I'm getting tired of these crappy Meet The Spartans type movies and really want to stop supporting them >.> Plus I get my fair share of Derplight bashing with my friends anyway