Vampire World

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by demonchick25, Jul 24, 2010.

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  1. demonchick25 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 22, 2007
    The place with the things and stuff
    As time passed, humans became more and more violent. Science had reached an all time high, nuclear power was taken further and further, as were the nuclear weapons. When a third World War broke out in 2109, 99% of the population was wiped out within a few months of the end of the war in 2113. The ones that survived were no better off. They had mutated into strange creatures, like those of myth. They became what we would call vampires. The radiation and resulting nuclear winter caused the plant and wildlife to die out, and the earth to freeze. From the iced over ground, the vampires of legend emerged. They were however different from the mutated humans. The former humans still had the overly violent instincts, they stayed with ones from their area, and attacked anyone else. They drank the blood of their enemies, and had children with their allies. They were reduced to mindless animals. They other vampires to come along were divided into two groups. One group was beautiful in every way. They used this to lure the curious mutants, then devoured them. The other was a more human-looking kind, they use their intelligence trick the other groups, and feed on them.

    The Vampire Classes
    N Class:
    The N class are the mutated humans. They lost all reasoning and self control. They can only tell the difference between predator and prey. They are ugly shriveled creatures with shorter fangs.

    T Class:
    The beautiful vampires. They focus more on luring and killing prey rather than science. Unlike the N class, they can think and act on their own. They are, however, easily fooled. They have beautiful faces, perfect bodies, and longer fangs than other classes.

    K Class:
    They are at the top of the food chain. They are more human-like. They focus more on the concepts of science and learning rather than only wanting to kill. They can feed on any other class. They may not be skilled hunters, but they can talk their way into feeding on a T class. They look like average humans and have mid-length fangs, longer than the N's but shorter than the T's.

    1. No god-moding or power playing, seriously.
    2. Don't kill anyone's character unless they ask you to.
    3. If you're leaving the RP, just kill yourself off, or ask someone to kill you off
    4. Were keeping this PG-13. Getting a little bloody is alright, but don't overdo it and all romance above a PG-13 level should be taken to PM
    5. Please use full sentences, type out all actions, and keep post at 3 sentences or more.
    6. Any one person can have no more than 3 characters.
    7. You can NOT start until you are approved.

    If you have red all of the information above, and agree to the posted rules please answer the following question in your sign-up post.

    Witch was mentioned first in the introduction paragraph?
    a. The mutation of the Humans
    b. The effect on the plant and wildlife
    c. The rising of the vampire classes

    Character Sign-up Sheet
    character name:
    class: (N, T, or K)
    special skill: (T and K classes only)
    appearance: (please try to keep pictures small i hate stretching posts)
    preview post: (any kind of RP post to show me that you know how to do this. if you're going to have more than one character, i only need one of these)

    Character List:

    username: demonchick25
    character name: Yves(pronounced Eve) Gibson
    class: T
    special skill: He can create images of himself
    bio: A fun loving guy. His preferred hunting grounds are in modern-day France. He is very flamboyant, and makes no effort to hid himself,
    appearance: Hot pink hair down to his chin and golden-brown eyes. He wears button down shirts and tight pants.
    preview post: It was snowing again. Yves looked up to the sky, wondering if it'd ever stop. He held out his hand to catch the snowflakes. "You stupid creatures have made this poor planet cry these poor frozen tears." he muttered as he watched them pile up in his hand.

    username: demonchick25
    character name: Yates Reid
    class: K
    special skill: she can copy anybody's appearance.
    bio: A lonely person. She wanders the European continent, studying the differences in all the areas,
    appearance: Shoulder-length brown hair that fades to red at the tips and blue-green eyes. She wears sleeveless tops and baggy pants.
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