I like ganondorf, and I think hes a great villain for link but...where's vaati? honestly, after The Minish Cap he completely vanished...I actually liked him more...first off, he was actually Link's size and age. Wouldnt that leave more room for a rivalry between them? I mean...a 16 year old beating the sht out of a 45 year old guy...? its a popular thing (coughkingdomheartscough) but I dont know...I think that if they put vaati out there, and hes been in more than one LoZ game, he should at least get another shot at returning, right? When I saw twilight princess' secondary boss, zant, I was like, this guy looks awesome, I mean, twilight world, and all the creatures...the illusions! but when you fight him hes a freaking crybaby. it saddens me a little...