not sure where this goes, but what are user notes and how do i reply to them. cause there is no reply button. well one person wanted to contact me that way someone name ansem59 but i don't know how to reply.
Usernotes are just like a little message that remains on your profile. Unlike VMs or PMs you don't need to reply to them but if you want to go to the other members usernotes and leave them a usernote in response.
History of KHV Usernotes: They originally were used as staff notes on members regarding that particular member's behavior... until someone complained enough that Sara enabled it so everyone could post in them so it just became a way to talk to other users. When visitor messages were created in Vbulletin's release of Version 3.7.3, usernotes became pretty much extinct and are kept for the 'memories'. To answer your question, you should probably just leave Ansem a visitor message or PM him to reply.