Usage of the "N" Word

Discussion in 'Debate Corner' started by Singstar, Apr 23, 2008.

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  1. Singstar Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 21, 2007
    In my schools closet....
    Many artist, rappers, and people use the"n" word. I hate it when people use that word. It shows the lack of intellegence and vocabulary a person has. It also refers to Affrican Americans as s"slaves". Also, I do not understand why African Americans use the word in refrence of friendship, but when a Caucasion uses this word in refrence to friendship to and African Americans, African Americans become angry (no offence to any Caucasions). Give me your thoughts on it.
  2. KnightReaper Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 4, 2008
    As long as there is racism in the world(which there will be), words like this will exist.
  3. Chad Thundercucc The dharma of valvu; the dream of a clatoris

    Dec 1, 2006
    Anytown, USA.
    Well, as long as a Caucasian person isn't trying to be racist, them I'm sure there should be no problem using it.

    Well, I agree that it does show a bit of lack of intelligence (or rather ignorance), but black people who use it are thinking of it as another word for "dude" but for black people. I suppose it must be a term used to show two people that they are familiar with each other enough to say *****, but it still doesn't change the meaning. Well, I guess we can all agree that it was meant as a disrespectful way to refer to a black person, but now it has somehow been changed into a positive way to refer to a friend between some young black people. How this change accord, I don't know. Will this word ever be stopped from being used on the streets or in music or in schools? Probably not. But it all depends on how you use it, I suppose.

    Why white people can't say it? Well, I don't think that they can't say it, but more that they are scared to use it. But if people say they can't say it is because they are not black and can't use the word because it is usually targeted towards black people and if a black person says it, it's alright because they're black too, so they have a right to say it, am I right? And if a white person say it, then people look down on that since they aren't black and people think they have no right to say it because of that fact.

    I hope that answers your question.
  4. Spitfire I'm a little high, and a little drunk.

    Mar 19, 2007
    On the Block wit my Thang Cocked
    My black friends say it all the time, and qutie frankly I don't care. I have no problem with it personally. I use it quite often not as much as them, but enough. Now they don't care, they know that I don't mean any racist remarks by it, but it just needs to be clear of who you say it around, like don't say it unless you A. know the people and B. only if you can kick the crap out of everyone around you. Other than that I see no problem with it.
  5. Destined Working for WDW

    May 6, 2007
    Lost in the Rockies
    I don't care really if you are talking about yourself if you are African American or not, I hate the word. People are aloud to speak what they will, but every time I hear a singer or someone say it I cringe.

    It's disrespectful in my opinion
  6. Cin Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp

    Sep 26, 2006
    Words lose their meaning when they're overused. People using ***** in this way is a good thing.

    (Also, words are only considered bad when people are offended by them. If people stop taking offense, the word loses all it's power. Those who are offended are the ones making the word offensive.)
  7. Singstar Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 21, 2007
    In my schools closet....
    I beg to differ on that. People been using the word since slave tiomes. So your saying that it will get out of fashion after over 10,000 years. I don't think so
  8. Chad Thundercucc The dharma of valvu; the dream of a clatoris

    Dec 1, 2006
    Anytown, USA.
    What he means is people over use it in a different way, then it will lose it's bad meaning. Just like how queer used to mean strange, but now means gay and no one says queer meaning it as defined as "strange" anymore, understand?
  9. Aura Goddess

    Feb 8, 2008
    Safest Haven
    Well I don't like it when people use it.Especially in songs.It gets annoying.And my brother calls me that but as a joke.And I'm not even African-American but he says it as a joke.
  10. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    I say it every day,and I even call my white friends that word.It's just fun to do in my opinion.Call it lack of intelligence or whatever,but you cant stop people from saying a word,no one can.
  11. Singstar Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 21, 2007
    In my schools closet....
    I dissagree. You can't say using the word "*****" or "******" is fun. There are so many other words to use other than those words. Don't get me wrong, I curse all the time with my friennds, but I have never called someone a "*****" before.
  12. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    It's fun if your me xDD...doesnt have to be fun to you. I like to pretend im a racist white dude and make fun of them xDDD
  13. Singstar Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 21, 2007
    In my schools closet....
  14. Repliku Chaser

    The word has referred to 'black people' and wasn't always used in a derogatory way, much the same as the word negro (which means 'black' in quite a few languages), which is hardly used anymore. It did become slanderous though and meant more of a 'lazy slave' as time went on. I really don't tend to use the word unless I am explaining its meaning to someone that doesn't get it or someone is playing around with me and we say the 'a' ending word as a friendly notation, which happens VERY seldom. I never use it to describe a person in a bad way and the only other time I say the 'a' ending word is if singing or relaying lyrics with it in there. I will admit that in high school I had a black friend and we played sports together etc and he used to call me '*****' and I would call him 'white trash' or 'cracker' as a means of confusing people for fun. We had so many looks! It was great...but I digress.

    You are right that there is a controversy with the word and kind of a double-standard going on but in fairness I think that it is a word that has existed for a long while and since people decided to take it as a means of calling someone a worthless slave even if the person was free, if those who are progeny of these people want to take it and assign their own meaning to it, who am I to say no? I'm not black but have quite a few black friends that use it and sometimes address me with it too and it seems mostly to them to be a thing like calling someone 'bro' or 'man' or 'dude'. It isn't really so bad to me in that context though I certainly don't use it liberally myself and I know for a fact some African Americans will not use it at all either because they loathe it, regardless of how others try to dress it up.

    It's one of those words that has changed meanings a few times and I know pretty much each meaning implied. I avoid the negative connotations and don't like the word but I suppose I am not against people using it who have 'taken back the word' to mean what they want it to. Also, I do not think the N-word should be forgotten or 'wiped out' as people want it to because I think it robs Africans of history and as said before, it was not always meant in the negative way but was just another way of saying 'black' which is still used though we also say 'African American' or 'African European' etc. There are books and such with the word in it and they were not meant to be 'bad' uses of the word. I think also noting that the word was turned into such an ugly thing is important to recall and as the word continues to alter and change into something else, good. I hope it can mean something better. Forgetting what it meant would be a bad thing and wiping it out would be too because it encourages history to be lost. Saying it in the way it was meant is wrong to me but people still do and I can't stop that.

    Another word that is derogatory but did not mean something bad at first was the word 'wench' which meant young girl...then serving girl...then became even ruder at times. I wouldn't call a woman this of course, but we also do not -ban- the word from the dictionary and say it is an illegal term despite how some women really dislike the word. The term 'madam' is also a word that meant an important a prostitute or brothel matron. It's not banned either but we do know what it implies to use and how it was used in the past.

    I'm really kind of against too much 'Political Correct' stuff because it robs people of language and makes people forget how wrong some things were and just removing a word or 10 because they are 'offensive' isn't always what people want. This word seems to be one that is not going to just go away whether PC people want it to or not. The younger people who use it obviously want it to be out there, but in -their- way so yes, it's kind of a double-standard but I am really not against it since it doesn't appear to even mean the same thing as what it did when slave holders and others were using it as a nasty remark. It's just one of those things I choose to let go and see how it will develop as I don't care to really use it myself. Hope this made sense because I kind of rambled on.
  15. Singstar Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 21, 2007
    In my schools closet....
    Yea....what he said....XD
  16. Mythos Banned

    Apr 17, 2008

    well, the word is bad. I do dislike it when peole use it, but i relize that when there is racism, those words come along with it, like someone previously stated. But i really do hate racism in general, i think its ridiculous....all of it.
  17. kaseykockroach Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 2, 2007
    Anyways, it's just a word. It's lost it's original meaning, and the whole thing has been blown way out of proportion.
    Like every single word in the dictionary, it just depends on how you use it.
  18. Xephos Neko, gamer, animelover, and artist :3 *purrs*

    Apr 2, 2007
    San Jose, CA
    I agree. The word is used in my school for a greeting, slang terms, or just as being a racist. I'm having problems at teh school rihg tnow. -_-;;
  19. The Great Gatz Chaser

    Apr 5, 2007
    I'll be honest I use it weekly if not daily. Now when I say I'm not using it to degrade people or put others down. And I don't mean to hurt anybody like racists do. And it really started at a young age for me. I know my sister used it so hell I looked up to her when I was little. And things haven't changed. It isn't uncommon for me to hear it every day or for me to use it every day.

    oh lol and that too xDDD
  20. Mythos Banned

    Apr 17, 2008

    Never touch a Black man's Radio!!!
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