Back in 2006, DC COMICS launched their first weekly comic book series, 52. This was a milestone for the comics industry because up until then, almost all comics had been monthly. 52 ran for a year, and never missed an issue. It was then followed up by Countdown and Trinity. Both series, never missing a week. And with the conclusion of Trinity this year, DC decided to do something a little more ambitious. Wednesday Comics. The premise, get a bunch of top industry talent and let them play with whatever characters they want, free of continuity and anything else that hinders new readers and let them tell a story serialized over 12 weeks. The idea, to evoke that nostalgia we all had as kids reading the Sunday comics in the newspaper. And today, DC announced via their Blog that they have struck a syndicate deal with USA TODAY. On Wednesday July 8, USA TODAY will print the first strip of John Arcudi's and Lee Bermejo's Superman story. For the following 11 weeks, USA TODAY will post the remaining strips online and promote them in the newspaper. Wednesday Comics itself is still only available at comic shops at present, priced at $3.99 per issue. A project like this is what everyone has been waiting for. You don't need to be familar with the characters, you don't need to know their history or who they are. It's just like those comics you read on Sunday when you were little. Fitting that comics are finally back in the medium where they were created. And while Wednesday Comics itself will only run for twelve weeks, Dan Didio, Editor-in-Chief of DC COMICS, has stated that he would like to see the project continue should it get the amount of attention it deserves. This a big step for making comics accessible again, and who knows, maybe they'll finally be available in grocery stores again.