US Presidential Race

Discussion in 'Debate Corner' started by kowae7, Mar 19, 2008.


Who's gonna become the next President of the US?

  1. Barack Hussein Obama

    15 vote(s)
  2. Hillary Rodham Clinton

    2 vote(s)
  3. John Sidney McCain III

    6 vote(s)
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  1. kowae7 Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 13, 2008
    Somewhere only I know
    So, who do you think is going to become the next president of the US?

    And why?

    I want Barack Obama to win but I think McCain has a better chance of winning.
  2. Spitfire I'm a little high, and a little drunk.

    Mar 19, 2007
    On the Block wit my Thang Cocked
    All of them suck in my opinion, its sad since I may just vote Nader and get on with my life.

    Barrack - May not make it out of this primary race, after all this Rev. Wright crap. This just dealt him a huge blow by being directly associated with him. Mostly whats killing him is that he is not distancing himself from these racist remarks that were said, and not only that he first denied the comments and then came back to say that he did hear certain things as this. The race for obama may actually be over because of this, which is sad to see because he had my support in the beginning but in light of recent events he has shown that he is all about race, before it was not really a big deal..well it was big but it wasn't my deciding factor. It was for the pure fact that he had policy but to have this whole race thing is so big to him it may take from not just his White democratic votes but also his black ones as well.

    Clinton - Hilary is a flake so to speak, first I am not a fan of her, she does not purpose a whole lot of change on their are certain things about her politics I do not like. Such as though out this entire ordeal with the war she has opt'd to keep our troops occupying Iraq and I am by no means in favor of that. She is just very inconsistant with what is going on.

    McCain - He has ran for president a ungodly amount of times and has yet to get it. He may have more chance than most people cause he most likely can gain the votes from independent groups. But some question about his border politics which is a turn off for many, because he wants borders open it take much away, most republicans are not in favor of that. He has also been seen as a warmonger. He may have the best chance though.

    I originally wanted to vote for John Edwards, but unfortunately I am unable to since he dropped out of the race which was sad to see. I may have to wait out this Obama thing and see if he does anything to change his points we will just have to see. But chance are I go to him.
  3. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    i find that they all suck as well. i personally was neutral about Obama and Hillary until I found that Obama is pretty much a fake person. he uses eloquence and rhetoric more than logic which just isn't a good idea in my opinion. seriously, all he says is "we need change" and "yes we can". true, his commercials are FAR better than HIllary Clinton's cuz Clinton must not want to win very badly if she's dishing out dumb commercials like the telephone one. tho i like her a LITTLE better becuz she calls Obama out for his short comings and she actually sounds like she actually has a plan for something (i wish she would shut up about health care tho). McCain i think has my vote simply becuz he isn't controversial, doesn't seem to complain too much, doesn't cause too much trouble, is more qualified than Obama, and even tho he isn't very popular, i would rather have him than OBama, or screw it, i would rather have Hillary than Obama. just ANYONE IS BETTER THAN OBAMA. so think of it me NOT voting for Mc Cain or HIllary, but me voting AGAINST OBama (and yes i am old enough to vote so i will do so)
  4. kowae7 Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 13, 2008
    Somewhere only I know
    They all have their disadvantages no matter how big, but still one of them is going to be president. We just have to hope that it will be the right one.
  5. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    i hope the ppl voting vote for good reasons like approving of policies and plans that the candidates have rather than just personal feelings like who's attractive. when Bush and Gore were campaigning for president, i remember ALOT of women voted for Bush cuz he was "charming", i hope there aren't that many ppl this time around. tho, everyone is can vote for who they want, i wont' bother forcing my opinion on others, besides, its' easier to force my opinion on undecided voters XD
  6. Cin Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp

    Sep 26, 2006
    Ron Paul ftw, rite, am i rite?
  7. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    @Cin: urite. Sadly it won't happen. t-t

    Obama is the best out of all of them. Sadly the US government has been trying everything they can to ostracize him, lately. Most notably the direct offices themselves.

    Clinton can go burn in a burning bush.

    McCain needs to get back into war despite how he's like 70.
  8. libregkd -

    Sep 30, 2006
  9. Repliku Chaser

    I'm hoping it will be Barrack Obama. I personally am glad to see the word 'change' used often because that's really what we need. Also, he keeps getting slammed for things that a pastor said and handled it very well with his speech on racism. McCain also has a pastor that is questionable with the fact he condemns gays and other things and is of the 'good ol boy' mentality but no one is going after him to apologize for the message his Southern Baptist minister preaches. No one owes people an apology for how a minister or cardinal etc preaches. The feelings of one person cannot be held to be accountable to another person whether they sit in a congregation or not. Who listens to -every- word a preacher says and agrees with it wholeheartedly? Most people can make up their own minds how they feel.

    Meanwhile, I fail to see Hillary have to apologize or do anything to stop her husband from making comments that are racist such as why Obama won North and South Carolina. His comment was that "Jesse Jackson" also won those two states back when Clinton was running. The Clintons also have said other comments that just make my eyes roll up in the back of my head. I would consider Hillary should be more responsible for what Bill says and what she says than Obama should be held responsible for what Wright says. It's very hypocritical.

    Both of the Clintons have charged Obama with not having 'experience' and using fear tactics to try to steer the vote her way but in the end, she doesn't have that much experience herself. Also, she's gone unanswered for crimes that connect her to White Water conspiracy even though she was allegedly deeper in the scandal than Bill Clinton was and people -died- in that. Bill Clinton used his power of presidency to clear most of the people associated with it of charges and somehow most people forget about the conspiracy because at the same time a -blow job- seemed more important to have to deal with and waste millions on. Bill also said Obama is not patriotic and yet this is the same guy who dodged the draft and ran to Europe to hide. That's some pot calling the kettle black there. Hillary has Fox News supporting her and twisting words of Obama's too and not playing out the whole messages. It's really very nasty. Also, she seems to only be mostly attentive when it comes to winning the 'big states' so she can hold massive votes while other states she doesn't care about.

    Hillary also tried to say Barrack could quit now and be her vice president. Yet he's in the lead? She's really not a good person and I get sick of hearing how she twists things and tries to get off saying she has more experience and is better and yet her past is checkered with black stains. I live in New York and have seen her work enough here to know that she just doesn't seem presidential material to me. It would also be nice if 'Fear' as a motive for a campaign vote would stop being used. We have lost enough rights as Americans due to fear being a motivational factor to elections and decisions.

    I'll have a tougher choice if McCain and Obama go against each other but as long as Hillary is in the race, I'd vote for anyone but her. I'm just happy Huckabee was eliminated from the campaign trail. He was even worse than she was to me. Whoever though is on that ticket, I think this will be one of the biggest voter turn outs in a long time. We have actual contenders that are going on so many issues and it's almost hard to not care if you have the right to vote.
  10. Destined Working for WDW

    May 6, 2007
    Lost in the Rockies
    Gawd. Honestly I just want Bush out of the White House. He's done screwed up so much so far that I'm not sure if this president or the next term president will be able to completely fix his mistakes.

    Bush fighting his own little war against Iraq has become similar to Vietnam in my opinion. Granted, I'm not saying it wasn't necessary and i was glad to see the Iraqi people being freed from the reigns of a dictator, but I just feel like there is too much power that Bush used to do so.

    I lived through 9/11 and at the time I full on approved nuking the hell out of those who attacked us, as did almost all of us, but now, 7 years later; I feel we may have jumped the gun.

    Hilary has been in the white house 8 years allready so she knows the ropes, but the fact that she is a women will turn off a number of voters (i'm not sexist, it's true) same with Obama who is african american (again, not racist). The problem with voters today is that they marginalize to easily without looking at the strategy and gameplan each nominee has.

    Truthfully I wanted to see Romney or Mike Gravell duke it out for the office. A. Because Romney resurrected the SLOC scandal and made the Olys here amazing and brought a hell of a lot of business to SL. B. Because Gravell knew what he was talking about, but no one cared because he wasn't a Clinton or Obama.

    No matter who makes it, our country is still going to feel the pressure from Iraq.
  11. kowae7 Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 13, 2008
    Somewhere only I know

    If you don't vote for Obama then you're a little bit racist.

    If you don't vote for Hillary then you're a little bit sexist.

    If you don't vote for McCain then you're against POWs.

    This election is not going to end well.
  12. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    actually the perfect candidate would probably be Governor Rudy Giuliani from New York. from what i've seen and heard, he's a great leader. too bad he's not part of the election.

    but i personally don't like Democrats because it seems like they sure like to complain about things, but then again, the Republicans are the ones who had this crazy idea to go into Iraq in the first place.

    all in all, politics SUCK
  13. libregkd -

    Sep 30, 2006
  14. Spitfire I'm a little high, and a little drunk.

    Mar 19, 2007
    On the Block wit my Thang Cocked
    Or better yet Ralph Nader. Lord knows how long he has been around.

    And I would have voted for Juliani he is a great leader and he did alot for the city of New York, whats terrible is that he dropped out which sucks.

    And Libre is right, until Obama iand Clinton stop this petty bullshit that is going on between them then most will go for McCain, I personally am half tempted to as is, possibly Nader though.
  15. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
  16. Repliku Chaser

    Guliani was a part of it and I considered voting for him in the beginning but he dropped out. He was getting slammed by things and didn't handle the public scenario too well. Though at first a lot of people were for him, his popularity for some reason dropped a lot and he hardly received votes so he dropped out.
  17. kowae7 Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 13, 2008
    Somewhere only I know
    Barack Obama wins!!! Yay!

    But will he win the actual election?
  18. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    wins what? i'm lost
  19. kowae7 Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 13, 2008
    Somewhere only I know
    Um... he's winning the poll thing at the top of the browser.
  20. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    ooooooh was wondering what u were talking about XD
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