Spoiler Okay, I has question..... Acording to Albert Einstein, the speed of light is the universal speed limit. the speed of light = 299,792,458 m/s So acording to Albert Einstein, nothing can go faster. And as far as I know, nothing can match it either. If nothing can go faster and the speed can't be matched (to my knowladge anyways), then what is the speed of darkness? Darkness it the absence of light. So if nothing can match it or go faster, what is there while darkness is catching up? What fills this void? Empty space maybe? Nothingness? Whats there? Any thoughts? (thanks Hopefulwishes for the idea!: http://www.kh-vids.net/album.php?albumid=712&attachmentid=7968&commentid=8650#picturecomment_8650
Darkness is not light. It does not travel. Also, the "universal speed limit" only applies to light and anything with mass. Therefore, space can expand faster than the speed of light(which occurs at the "edge" of the universe. There. Answered your question. Have a good day.
Spam post, kill it.~ ^This does make sense. Well, Darkness doesn't have a speed I believe, because it doesn't travel like Light does.~