Under Construction/Accepting

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Top-Tier Roxas., Oct 12, 2010.

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  1. Top-Tier Roxas. Destiny Islands Resident

    Oct 6, 2010
    CA, US.
    {Quest for Reason} | Massive Crossover


    {T}here once was a man named... Well, what was his name...? Oh, right, he threw it away. This man was once a young being, an Archon. Children of the Gods, so legend had foretold. These were your average person, although, they developed a special.. Ability. Each Archon gained a gift growing up, and were hated and persecuted by the people whom never developed anything. Finally, only a few of these Archon were left. This is where he comes in. The boy, birthed as Discord Amedeus Entropy was one of the few Archon whom could pass as a regular, plain human. Growing up undetected, he went into politics, abandoning his birth name, as well as his people. On paper, he was known as Holy Sinclaire Telos, or just Holy, finding pleasure in the new title. Holy lead the political witch-hunt for the Archon, dealing with them in private. Making fine use of his Archonic Ability; the gift to steal other powers through physical contact with their corpse.
    The second-to-last Archon had only made Holy's lust for power worse; The ability to manipulate space and time. A tragic ability for him of all people to have. It was what he was searching for, after he read through the grand library. Scriptures, biographies from ancient Archon, tellingntales of other worlds. With this kind of power, Discord could go to those worlds.

    Or bring them all together.

    A mighty cataclysm shook the universe, carving bits and pieces out of every world and slamming them together, like puzzle pieces all from different sets. Holy's dominion lie in the center, he overlooked the new world from his citadel, his lust for power ever stronger.

    Rules and Guidelines.

    {I} | Standard
    You will follow the Rules of KH-VIDS.NET's forum when posting in this thread. Simple as that. I don't want my Roleplay shut down due to your misbehavior.

    {II} | Characters
    If you would like to play a character, send me a private message or a message on my page letting me know, I would rather not have the OoC cluttering up the roleplay. I will keep a list on the front page of who is available and how many more characters I'll be taking. Also, characters are to be played as themselves, with their personalities, abilities and sexualities in-tact.
    {Character Priority}: In order to keep a proper balance in this, it is paramount information that All characters are equal, your Original Character is no stronger than any others, however, Main Characters may take priority in a battle. This is to ensure that everyone has their share of fun, and that the plot I have in-store is not to be taken over, in accordance to Rule IV.

    {III} | Posting
    I know this isn't an Extended Roleplay, but I still want some decent posts, so please, at least two paragraphs. Paragraphs are five-to-eight sentences. I won't crack down super-hard on this rule, but you have been warned. Literacy and proper grammar are huge pluses as well. Most important though, is making a post that someone can actually respond to. I don't want you to drudge through making a ten+ line post of just what your character is thinking or just having your character sit there. Do something, be active.
    Also, not really a rule, but a suggestion, is to have something like this;
    [B]Province[/B]: {Current province}
    [B]Location[/B]: {Current Location}
    [B]Interaction[/B]: {Current character interaction}
    Somewhere in your posts, please. It would help lessen a bit of the confusion in a multiple-world roleplay.

    {IV} | Behavior
    Behavior of both the character, and the RPer, need to be regulated. Characters need to keep things at a PG13 level, be it Violence, language or... romantic activities. Violence and romance of every kind are heavily encouraged in this roleplay, but please, be reasonable with it. I don't want you to describe to me how you've lost your arm and the remnant stub is leaving a bloody mess everywhere. Nor do I need your characters' sex in here. About the RPer's now, Do not try to shape the entire story for yourself, this is a team effort. Don't ignore other players, no flaming, trolling, spamming, god-modding (God-modding pertains to power playing, ever-dodging, never-tiring, writing your character out of a situation that seemed impossible), and auto-hitting (making contact with another character without the Roleplayer allowing it.).

    {V} | Rules
    Rules are subject to change, and will probably change constantly. I would suggest visiting the first page constantly, to avoid any misunderstandings.


    {Accepted Character Board}

    I will be accepting characters from practically anything. Any anime, manga, comic, action-cartoon, etc. will be accepted, so long as I accept your profile for them. Fill out profiles below and send them to me in a private message. Also, as this is a Crossover, I don't want a crap-ton of OC's. So, for every two Canon Characters you take up, regardless of series, I will accept one of your OC's.

    Name: {use URL codes to make the name a link to their appearance.}
    Faction: {Good, Neutral or Evil.}
    Weapon of Choice: {use URL codes to make the name a link to the weapon's appearance.}
    Fighting Style: {Do you prefer speed, or brute strength, maybe magic, intellect?}
    Abilities: {Your character's natural abilities, Descriptions please, and in List format}
    Secret Tech.:{Your character's most powerful moves; cannot be copied through Empathy}
    Personality: {I don't care if it's copied from a Wiki, just have something helpful here}
    Biography: {I don't care if it's copied from a Wiki, just have something helpful here}
    Series: {What series is your character from/ Based on, if any.}
    Roleplay Sample: {just like a post in the thread, two paragraphs please.}

    Or rather, sections of other worlds pushed together. The Provinces may end abruptly; like, the border of a province could be through where a building was, causing only half of the building to be transported in the cataclysm, etc. etc.
    If you're the first one to submit a character from that series, let me know and tell me of a good spot to make a province out of.
    Here's the list!

    Holy's Dominion
    New York, NY.
    Iwatodai, Japan. -Persona 3
    Dark City, The World That Never Was. -Kingdom Hearts
    Destiny Island. -Kingdom Hearts
    Magnolia. -Fairy Tale
    Lost Ground. -sCRYed


    The Key of Destiny

    Dark streets welcomed the boy as always. The narrow corridors and sketchy places in the Dark City were starting to grow familiar to him. The blonde had just made it to the outer edges of the city, further away from the Castle that never was. Puzzled blue eyes widened and narrowed, staring down what was once an alleyway. The dark, black buildings suddenly ended, and in place of another building was an open street, leading out into a city of grey-esque buildings. There were even taller skyscrapers than the one he had just seen beyond that. What exactly was happening?

    Then, from the shadow-drenched floors of the Dark City, NeoShadows rose, seemingly from nowhere. Their beady yellow eyes like floating lights in the darkness. Roxas swiftly summoned his weapons in a flash of light, slicing the powerful blades through the black creatures like butter. Roxas made short work of the once-mighty NeoShadows. The blonde caught Oblivion after it ricocheted off a building and through the last Heartless, dispelling the keys seconds afterwards.
    "That's...." the Nobody couldn't finish. He couldn't find the right word for it. Odd hadn't even come close to classifying it. The rain had completely stopped. Like someone had cut straight through the clouds above. Roxas removed his hood as he crossed the threshold into the strange new section of the World that Never Was, or so that was what he thought it was.

    Province: New York, NY
    Location: New York/Dark City border
    Interaction: N/A
  2. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    Fire Dragon

    "Well, isn't this interesting," Fire Dragon muttered to himself as he looked around. He was in the middle of a city sidewalk. It wasn't that he wasn't supposed to be there, he had just left New York after all. It was the fact that he simply woke up on the sidewalk back in New York after taking a plane away. The last thing he remembered was being on a plane to New York. The whole incident with Vera and Reunion had left his school in ashes and the girl was gone, along with her older sister and that one boy. Fire Dragon planned on visiting a Reunion affiliate in South America, but his plane was supposed to stop in North America. New York, to be exact, and then he'd transfer on another plane to South America. Once on that second plane, he had decided to rest his eyes, but a loud shaking had woke him up. And there he was now, on a sidewalk back in New York. He had asked several people where he was and the ones who didn't look at him like he was crazy told him. I shouldn't be here, was the thought that kept repeating itself in his head. He patted his pockets, but there was no phone, only a pack of cigarettes. "Hmph," he scoffed as he turned around, wiping the dirt of his white suit. Time to figure out what was going on. He reached into his pocket and pulled out his cigarettes. Taking one out, he put the pack back in his pocket and proceeded to walk down the street. He had no lighter on him, why would he need one? Instead, he simply put the cigarette in his mouth and the tip ignited after a few seconds. Humming a song, Fire Dragon turned a corner, looking for answers.

    Province: New York, NY
    Location: Random street
    Interaction: n/a​
  3. Top-Tier Roxas. Destiny Islands Resident

    Oct 6, 2010
    CA, US.
    The Key of Destiny

    Blue eyes examined every bit of the new buildings. It was the first thing drilled into his head from Org. 101; Reconnaissance. Roxas noticed that the buildings were old, whether-worn stone. The pavement was the same way; just as old as it was gray. Roxas continued down the road, taking the next turn to his right. There, the blonde's eyes widened.

    "Axel?!" Roxas exclaimed, bright, red hair caught his eye. Fast footsteps carried the Nobody to the red haired man. His blue eyes wavered as the figure became apparent; this was not his friend. The Key of Destiny stopped to catch his breath, feet behind the man. A fume of smoke came from him. His outfit was a pure white. "Oh. You're not Axel..." Roxas furrowed.

    Province: New York, NY
    Location: City streets.
    Interaction: Fire Dragon
  4. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    Fire Dragon

    "Hm?" Fire Dragon turned as someone approached him, calling him a strange name. The person was a young blond boy, wearing a heavy black cloak. Fire Dragon had never seen an outfit like that. The boy appeared wet, as if he had just walked through the rain, but it wasn't raining. "You have me confused with someone else," Fire Dragon said simply, moving the cigarette around in his mouth. "I am not this Axel person, but," Fire Dragon studied the boy's appearance. Something intrigued him, "I'd be lying if I told you I wasn't curious as to who you were," he said with a slight smile and an eyebrow barely arched. As he finished his words, he focused his Ki on his cigarette, causing it to burn faster. The ashes fell as he inhaled the burn from his sickening habit.

    Province: New York, NY
    Location: City streets
    Interaction: Roxas

  5. Top-Tier Roxas. Destiny Islands Resident

    Oct 6, 2010
    CA, US.
    The Key of Destiny

    Roxas's blue eyes studied the figure, slightly discouraged that he wasn't his close friend. Roxas had only seen the red hair from his earlier distance, and the silhouette of his cigarette made it seem like he had just had some sea-salt ice cream. Roxas had missed the stuff already. The smoke made its way into the blonde's nose, forcing him to hold back a cough. The crimson-haired man was curious about Roxas? That wasn't a first. Roxas "grew up" in a setting where everyone was curious about him. Xemnas made such a huge deal about Roxas being one of the Keyblade's Chosen.

    "I'm Roxas," the Nobody greeted with his usual smile, happy to make new friends. "Can you tell me what's going on? I'm really unfamiliar with this World." The boy asked, blatantly going against Organization protocol. He no longer needed to keep to their rules, anyway.

    Suddenly, another small horde of NeoShadows attempted to ambush the boy, crawling up from the ground in unison.
    "Darn, not here too!" Roxas snapped, pulling Oathkeeper and Oblivion into existence through a fast flash of light and shadow.

    Province: New York, NY
    Location: City streets.
    Interaction: Fire Dragon
  6. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008

    Fire Dragon
    "What kind of name is that?" Fire Dragon inquired as he ashed his cigarette, careful not to let any ashes fall on his white suit. It took a moment for what the boy said to register. "World? What do you mean by th-" Fire Dragon was interrupted when the strangest thing he's ever seen occurred: Shadows came to life. "What is this?" Fire Dragon soon realized he and Roxas were surrounded. A martial art? He wondered silently as Roxas pulled out two weapons out of mid-air. "Now that...is interesting," Fire Dragon muttered at the sight as a Neoshadow lunged at him. He casually moved out of its way, dodging it easily and dropping his cigarette in the motion. "Roxas," Fire Dragon said as he turned to face the Neoshadow, "You know how to bring the fun, don't you?" As he said it, the Neoshadows moved closer. "It's a good thing I need to work off some steam," he smiled as a fireball formed in his hand instantly.

    Province: New York, NY
    Location: City streets
    Interaction: Roxas


    Kazuma stared at the strange sight in front of him. Still not believing what his left eye was showing him, the Alter User turned around. In front of him was the Alter Forest and beyond that was supposed to be the the rest of the Lost Ground. He turned around again, at the sight that had awed him. "What the hell?" He inquired loudly. He gaze dropped straight down to his feet. His heels were on green grass, considering he was in the Alter Forest. But his toes were on concrete. There was a clear line halfway through his feet. He raised his face to see a city, a city that had never been there before. Where more of the Alter Forest should be before leading into the Lost Ground was this city, a city unlike the ones Kazuma has seen in his life. "Did an Alter do this?" he asked aloud again, to no one in particular. When a loud roar answered behind him, from deep in the forest, Kazuma decided to see for himself and proceeded to walk into the city.

    Province: Holy's Dominion
    Location: Holy's Dominion/Lost Ground border
    Interaction: n/a

  7. Top-Tier Roxas. Destiny Islands Resident

    Oct 6, 2010
    CA, US.
    Holy Telos

    An indigo eye traced the border as he approached. What was once the walls of his city was now a lining of tall, unfamiliar trees. Holy could see the wildlife there, whimpering away as the white-clad man approached. The man's amethyst eye noted bigger movement heading his direction from the forest. Holy was curious what kind of creatures lurked in other worlds, but it proved to be just another man. A sinister smirk joined Holy's face. Hopefully someone with an ability of some sort, something he could use. Holy heard the man start talking to himself, though at his distance the words were muffled whispers. The ivory-haired man loosened a sigh, and approached the latest tourist to his home.

    "Quite something, isn't it?" Holy bragged, the eerie lights from the runes that lined the streets refracted off his pale suit. The man walked patiently towards his... Guest, his cane making every third step. Holy was glad with his work, rending the space-time continuum of the entire multiverse was no easy task, and he was very glad to have done it right the first time.
    "Please, call me Holy. And whom am I speaking to?" The amethyst behind Holy's monocle examined the man, sure, he was well-built, but that never stopped Holy from defeating his prey before. ​

    Province: Holy's Dominion
    Location: Dominion/Lost Ground border
    Interaction: Kazuma the Shell Bullet
  8. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008


    "Holy?!" Kazuma asked the man who had approached him angrily, his fists clenching. The man was dressed entirely in white and wearing a mask, only one eye showing. Kazuma only showed one eye, but that was due to his right eye being closed when not in his Alter state. He misinterpreted the man's name as the name of the police organization that had given so much grief throughout his life. "You're an officer of Holy then?" A small smile appeared on his face, but the anger was still evident. "Did you do this?" He asked as he pointed out the scenery with his left hand. "Tell me before I bash your head in," he demanded, delivering a calm threat.

    Province: Holy's Dominion
    Location: Holy's Dominion
    Interaction: Holy Telos

  9. Top-Tier Roxas. Destiny Islands Resident

    Oct 6, 2010
    CA, US.
    Holy Telos

    Mr. Telos's exposed eyebrow raised at the man before him. "An officer of Holy?" Did the other worlds already know of his troops? It was highly unlikely, as he had almost literally just mobilized them. Holy's focus returned to the brunette in front of him. He was demanding answers, fast. A threat? The ivory-clad man let out a haunting laugh. It's been at least a decade since someone had actually threatened him. He was usually at the other end of this kind of message.
    "Now now, let's not be hasty," Holy grinned, releasing his cane and waving his hand, the hidden sword floated upward, gracefully welcoming his piano-gloved grip. A smirk graced Holy's hidden face.
    "Officer? Not at all. I am a born leader, sir. You're looking at the best of the best. You'd best be more respectful."

    Province: Holy's Dominion
    Location: Dominion/Lost Ground border
    Interaction: Kazuma the Shell Bullet
  10. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008

    Kazuma realized that the man wasn't a part of Holy, but that Holy was his name. He smirked and placed his left hand on his right shoulder as he stretched it. "You haven't heard of me either?" Kazuma asked. These days, everyone knew who the Shell Bullet was. They called him the guardian of the Lost Ground, along with someone else. "Either way, you should know that I have a problem with...authority figures," he walked towards the Archon in a confrontational posture, "they don't mesh very well with me." He stopped a few feet away from Holy, tilting his head. "Now before you start demanding respect from me," Kazuma started in a mocking tone, "don't make me ask again. Did you do this?" He motioned to the background of the Lost Ground, not realizing that he did ask his question again.

    Province: Holy's Dominion
    Location: Holy's Dominion
    Interaction: Holy Telos

    Fire Dragon

    The Neoshadow that had attacked Fire Dragon first jumped at him once again, this time accompanied by another shadowy creature. Fire Dragon spun around, slamming his palm against the first Neoshadow. The fireball in his hand exploded, catching the creature on fire. He turned around and held his right hand out towards the other Neoshadow as it stopped in mid-air. "My Mid-Air Hold is impressive, is not?" He asked condescendingly as another Neoshadow approached from his left. Without even looking at the third target, he swung his hand in its direction, sending the floating Neoshadow into its shadowy brethren. The two quickly faded into darkness. He turned his head to see the first one he attacked doing the same, disappearing as the flame around it also faded. "I haven't seen that before," he thought aloud as he slowly raised both his hands.

    Province: New York City
    Location: City Streets
    Interaction: Roxas(?)

  11. Top-Tier Roxas. Destiny Islands Resident

    Oct 6, 2010
    CA, US.
    Holy Telos

    An indigo eye eyed the newcomer warily. He was not backing down. Shame, Holy could have used him for something. Ivory hair clung around his monocle-covered eye, wavering about in the slight wind. The brunette stated something about having problems with authority figures. Hmph. Holy himself wasn't one for the rules himself, so he took the initiative and changed them. Next he said that Holy was demanding respect from him? Preposterous. Holy does not demand respect, Holy had already earned it. The genius raised his brow in amusement, waving his sword to the side. The building to his left had crumpled to the floor, cut clean through. It was something that Kazuma would probably confuse for Holy 'activating his Alter', though the white-haired man didn't know that.
    "Yes, I did this. I'm searching for more power, and from the way you're acting, I assume that I have found some. " Holy spoke in his over-dignified manner, awaiting the Shell Bullet's reaction. Holy hardly ever made the first move.​

    Province: Holy's Dominion
    Location: Dominion/Lost Ground border
    Interaction: Kazuma the Shell Bullet

    The Key of Destiny

    The Key of Destiny brought his arms to cross in front of him, the blades on either side of him, placed defensively. Light danced around Roxas, building and building until the boy released his arms in a violent swing, the light following his actions and passing through the living shadows as a powerful shockwave. The blonde began his basic attack combo on one of the Neoshadows, relentlessly swinging with both Oathkeeper and Oblivion while pillars of light waltzed forward on either side, one at a time. The beams parried back any other attackers that had thought of breaking the blonde's concentration.

    Roxas turned around to watch the Axel look-alike. He was fairing well, even without a weapon. XIII grinned, that no more Neoshadows were showing up, and they were making great progress. Finally, it was one of the attacks that had always got him before he got used to the beasts; One of the other shadows lunged up from its pool of darkness, taking to the skies and preparing to crash down. Roxas revved up Oblivion, cocking it back and shooting it forward. The blade whirred above the redhead, rending the Neoshadow in two.

    "Let's keep moving. We can try to figure this out from a safer location" The Key of Destiny suggested, Oblivion returning to his right hand in a puff of dark smoke.

    Province: New York, NY
    Location: City streets.
    Interaction: Fire Dragon
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