Well who ever want's it its here my first sig i made Swordser2 at school she said I may have her photobucket so I will be using some of her img's but this one I made,so any one may have it [IMG*]http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x76/swordser2/Org13__LOL__s_by_BeagleTsuin.jpg[/IMG] take star out and its your every one may have one p.s. I do go to swordser2's school.Over there she is worst
Is this why she's banned? Because it was Swordser? LOL Well to stay on topic. Well I mean c'mon first contagious is spelled wrong. >.> The text is plain. It's pretty much a picture with sloppy handwriting. *wonders if Swordser even goes to KH-Aids* .... >.>