Who needs umbrellas? Embrace the effing rain people. >: It's not gonna kill you. Well I was being a smart asian by not taking an umbrella with me. So I got soaked from the rain. -insert sexual humor with cats and rain- So I watched Bridesmaids and Fast Five. They were both pretty good :3 I enjoy me some car races and some hot dudes/chicks driving them like pros. <3 and girls being girls before a wedding. Some good ****. I love Jon Hamm. Anyways I see that KHV awards are coming up :3 I'm totally a shoe in for biggest **** and best sammich maker. Have a good day.
I thought of both of these so the end result was: You have my brain And we'll never be species apart Maybe in horror films But you'll still be my friend Baby ?cause in the dark You can't see shiny guns And that's when you need me there With you I'll always bite Because When the sun shines, we?ll live together Told you I'll be here forever Said I'll always be a zombie Took an oath, I'ma stick it out till the end Now that it's apocolypsin more than ever Know that we'll still have dinner You can thank umbrella You can thank umbrella (Ella ella, eh eh eh) Organization umbrella (Ella ella, eh eh eh) Organization umbrella (Ella ella, eh eh eh) Organization umbrella (Ella ella, eh eh eh, eh eh eh)
If I don't use an umbrella then my hair would go very fuzzy and look stupid. I do it for everyone else :3