Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Tootsie, Jun 22, 2012.
can summer be, like, still summer without like, the sun being so like, hot you know.
god i'm moving over there
The sun is basic. The moon is hot.
Move north. The further north you go, the cooler it gets and the longer the days become.
Where do you live? Because here in Arizona its been over 100+ F every day of the summer so far.
I don't get this one.
Only this one? Then you've been on point.
You didn't explain. I shall be wondering, wondering forevermore!
You can't explain explain the "joke".
Oops. You can, it just won't be funny until the next time you tell it. I'm just curious now.
/hasbeenwalkingaroundManchesteralldayinthecold,windyrain ... I miss the sun ;-;