Yes, it's Spider-Man. But not the original. No, this would be the Next-Gen version. So, he's pretty much taken a bunch of crap in his life. He's still a teenager. He still has school. There's all of the teenage drama that a typical modern teenager goes through. He's broken up and gotten back together with Mary Jane multiple times. He went out with Kitty Pryde of the Ultimate X-Men. Doc Ock created his clones, resulting in Ultimate Scorpion and Ultimate Spider-Woman. Gwen Stacy didn't get thrown off a bridge, but she was taken out by Carnage who was then cloned again to become a Gwen/Carnage creature. Oh, and did I mention that almost every story arc involves Spidey losing his mask to someone else? Anyway, in the latest saga, Norman Osborn just got neutralized by SHIELD for killing his son Harry in an epic battle between Green Goblin and Hobgoblin. SHIELD screwed Peter by using up his web fluid, so he didn't have much in weaponry to stop them. And now, they're deciding to reintroduce Spider-Man and his Amazing Friends! Yes, Iceman and Firestar appear to team up with Ultimate Spidey. Whodathunkit? ;)
Yea after playing the game I picked up one of the comics. I liked it, it had a nice different feel to it.
I love Ultimate Spider-man. I like all the spider man comics, really, but i think that Ultimate is my favorite. My stupid library only has up to volume 14, but they also have a few single issues from some of the newer story arcs. It gets kind of annoying, only being able to read the arcs(not the current arc, i get that they don't release them all at once) in pieces. that's what I missed...I really need to start reading them again... I love the artwork in those comics. They're much better than most of the stuff that's out there. The story...I know it's a fresh start and all, but I wish they would lean just a smidge more on the original stories.
Then it would just be retelling the same old story. The ultimate universe is a different universe, after all. If the books were leaning towards the orginal stories, then it wouldn't have such a large fanbase. The closest Spidey book to the original would probably be the marvel adventures title.
I know, but it's things like Harry becoming the Hobgoblin, Norman killing Harry, etc. that makes me sad.
Better than what's happening to him in normal continuity. Besides, Harry becoming Hobgoblin is essentially him becoming the Green Goblin in normal continuity. His father killing him was sad, I'll admit though...
You know by now that the Goblins can never truly die. Watch, about five years from now, Norman and Harry will probably show up again...or maybe just Norman. You can't have a Spider-Man without a Green Goblin after all. :xp: