I have been so dfhgklsdhglkjhs about video editing lately. Every time I start up Vegas all revved up for a project, as soon as I look at the interface I'm like **** and shut it down. >: The last time I completed a SERIOUS video was allll the way back in August '08 and even that was just a mini AMV. I need inspiration to get me back into it because there are videos I NEED to be doing but I'm not because my editor scares me now. SO. KHV. I am setting a goal to actually make something REAL. TONIGHT. So I can get over this endless SLDKJGHLSKDJGHDJK video block and do the things I really need to do. >: KEEP ME ON TASK SOMEHOW. And thanks for letting me vent all over this post.
xD That's only a few months before my last one. Well, my last REAL one. My last one was a parody I spent like an hour on. PLAN NOT WORKING SO FAR >: I haven't even opened it yet. The icon repels my mouse I swear.