Ugh... I have this REALLY bad habit...

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Nova, Nov 22, 2008.

  1. Nova We left a scar size extra-large.

    Jul 11, 2008
    *Somewhere In The Stratosphere ♥
    I ALWAYS chew on ice...
    It's like, I can't help it (i know I can, but it's so hard to stop).
    And my parents, my teachers, and even some of my friends keep telling me to stop D:
    But it's a hard habit to get out of (hence the fact that I haven't stopped yet)
    The feeling of the cold, hard ice cubes turning into slush against my teeth feels so good... and now I just chew ice all the time D:
    But I rly need to stop...
    Any1 have an idea to help me with this?
  2. Cin Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp

    Sep 26, 2006
    I chew on ice all the time. Why's it such a bad habit? I've never found a reason why it would be so terrible.
  3. Sorcerer_Jenkins Twilight Town Denizen

    what's wrong with chewing ice? i'd do it if it tasted good.

    i say: keep going, doesn't matter what they say!
  4. Scott Pilgrim Banned

    Aug 11, 2008
    I bite my fingernails. I know what a bad habit is. I can't stop, but the main thing that sometimes helps is to think about something and concentrate on it so much to the point that you forget about the habit. I hope I helped.
  5. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    Psst. Try freezing juice!

    I did a story on it in the spamzone. Here you go!

    Okay. I shall start from the beginning, as starting from the end can cause considerable confusion.
    It all began yesterday. I had come home from practicing Squash, and I was thirsty. Real thirsty. I felt like some nice, cold juice. I poured the yellow miracle liquid when I felt that the juice was just not cold enough. After all, I like my beverages to be stone cold, y'know? To cool it down, I cracked out the ice. Three giant cubes went into the glass, and I went to sit down in front of a heater and read my new book, Brisingr. This was all very well, but then I finished the ice cold juice, and had a craving for more.
    The urge drew me back into the kitchen. I almost poured myself another glass of juice, and I had the ice container in front of me, when a thought struck. Why not freeze the juice?
    Like a madman, I poured the juice into the cubeshaped space, and stashed it there for the night...
    The next morning, I woke up with one thought in my mind. ICED JUICE! I rushed to the freezer, and pulled out the tray of wonders. There, in front of me were the most perfect ice cubes I had ever seen. I popped one in my mouth. The glow of the ice was beyond words. The taste was supreme. In my ecstasy, I summoned my younger sister, and offered her a cube of heaven. She accepted, and I could see the pleasure she derived from the block.
    My sister left to get her hair cut, and to collect her friend. Later, they returned together. Quickly, I offered her friend the ice block. she popped the cube in her mouth, and we all took another. We were drunk on the juice. A madness took hold of all of us, and half formed concepts sprung from our mouths, getting madder and madder. "Frozen hot chocolate!" "Frozen milk!" "Frozen lemonade!" "Frozen ketchup!" We brought out another pack of the stuff, but it was only normal ice. We polished it off, but it ruined the magic.
    My sister and her friend departed, leaving me to my own devices. But I could still hear the echoes of insanity through my head. "Frozen hot chocolate!" The only thing I could think of was what if...
    I was powerless to stop myself as my hands got out the cleared ice tray. Moving maniacally, I poured water into a jug. I popped the top off the container with the hot chocolate and dished a healthy dose of the brown powder into the concoction. I stirred well, but lumps remained. I knew that it would take longer to freeze, but I needed to remove the lumps. It was an obsession. Quickly, as not to be discovered by my mother, I crammed the jug into the microwave and hammered in 15 seconds. I firmly pressed Start, then danced around the box, waiting. It finished, and I jerked the mixture out. I poured a bit of it into a cup, and tentatively lifted it to my lips. A drop escaped into my mouth. Immediately I knew what was wrong; it needed more sugar. I turned to the powder and took another heaping teaspoon and poured it into the child of my insanity. Not wanting to wait, I stirred the thing furiously, and bunged it into the microwave. In a frenzy, I pressed the buttons, setting it for 15 seconds. While I ran around with glee, I must have called out, for my sister and her friend returned to the room just as it finished. Almost in slow motion, my sister sighted the hot chocolate. "YOU IDIOT!" She cried. "You used the wrong type!" greeting her doom, she ran towards the chocolate of her preference, arms outstretched. She grabbed it, but fumbled. It slipped through her hands, and fell towards the floor.
    The container hit the floor, spewing the sweet dust everywhere. I paid little attention. Instead, I muttered "Idiot, use a vacuum cleaner." But my heart was not in it. My whole being was truly devoted to pouring the perfect liquid into the rounded areas. One was filled. Two were filled. Three were filled. Before I had noticed it, all were finished. Around twenty spherical holes contained the chocolate.
    I rushed it to the freezer, and put it in. Suddenly I noticed that in the powder, my sister's friend was drawing a smiley face. Thinking it was a good idea, and intoxicated by the entire situation, my sister joined in. My own kin was behaving like that in a time of peril!
    Taking command, I ordered them to clean the dastardly mess up. They obeyed, and promptly spread the dust around the hard floor using paper towels. The small amount they did manage to remove from the floor went straight back there when they swept it up using a small dustpan and brush and tried to put it in the bin. Sadly, the task proved too much for them, and the chocolate fell short and scattered around the edges of the waste can.
    Feeling that we had done a good day's work (And we heard a parent coming), we departed from the cleaned room to go about our own business.
    Later, I returned to the kitchen to check on the chocolate that was forgotten in the madness. Unfortunately it was not finished freezing, as I discovered when I removed it from the freezer. But events soon took a turn for the worst. The scent of the chocolate attracted those who previously forgot it. Like rabid dogs, the two girls burst into the room. I offered for them to look at the progress, but they wanted to do more than look. Their taste buds compelled them, and they were filled with lust for the chocolate. They grasped at it, fighting tooth-and-nail to get some of the vulnerable elixir. It took all my strength to stop them getting at the chocolate, but somehow I managed. I stowed the potion away in the freezer, praying that the next time I disturbed it, the transformation would be finished, or at the least, the girls would not be there.
    As I shut the door to the vault of the freezer, events changed in a way I did not expect. Clearly the contact with the incomplete ice had addled their brain. They started circling the room wildly, singing a mutilated version of "Round and round the garden". They slowly encircled me, chanting "SPIN! SPIN! SPIN!" I looked down on them with contempt, fearing for all of our sanity. I watched for a while, just trying to get to terms with what was happening. Eventually, I decided that I could not fathom what they were doing, and I made to take my leave. Yet there evolved a complication. Like seeker missiles, they followed me, encircling their prey. For what reasons, I still do not know. Perhaps they wished to extract revenge for denying them their chocolate, or perhaps they were merely drunk on the small drops of the chocolate they had. Whatever the reason, they followed me. I realized this, and fled to a haven I was certain they would not breach: My parent's room.
    As I entered the sanctuary, I went onto the bed, certain they would not defile it with their presence. I was wrong in my assumptions, and I paid for it dearly. They not only clambered onto the bed, but also started circling me, singing in a ritualistic voice. I gathered myself into the fetal position, ready to endure whatever happened to me. Yet they started to leave. My sister said that she was tiring of that activity, and exited the room. Her friend went to follow, and I hastily got up and fled to the kitchen. That was a terrible mistake. If only I had waited a second longer. I aroused their attention, and they pursued me. Terrified, I backed up. I was encircled by them. They came closer, forcing me backwards. Too late I realized their ploy, as I heard the pantry doors close in front of me. I could have escaped then, if I had seized the initiative. But I did not. My pride caused me to slow my actions. Without properly considering it, I sat back. I did not notice until too late that they had slid a giant chair in front of the door. That one was followed by two more. Then the singing started again. At first it was only "Round and round" but thanks to my big mouth, it briefly changed to twinkle twinkle little star. I was starting to loose my mind, and I felt the madness take a hold of me. I glanced around the spreads, and I noticed one in particular that caught my eye. "Let me out!" I cried, as I shook the bars. "I want to try freezing bovril! Please! LET ME OUT!" My pleas were to no avail, as they moved onto "Tutti Frutti". Suddenly I felt my consciousness shatter. I know not of how long I was imprisoned, nor of what I did. All I know is that after a long while, the horror was broken, and I heard chairs scraping away. Then I heard my saviour and my damner. My mother's voice.
    And that is why I am here, sealing in my room, away from the girls and away from my creation. I am told it is for my own safety, but if only I could have a completed chocolate treat...


    Just trying to help. Now I'm off to get some blueberry.
  6. Radiowave ITSA PIIINCH

    Apr 2, 2007
    You know, across the universe
    Its not good for your teeth.

    (From yahoo answers)

    Edit: Pika, is that relevant?
  7. Nova We left a scar size extra-large.

    Jul 11, 2008
    *Somewhere In The Stratosphere ♥

    That explains why a tooth that I have a root canal always hurts... it must be the gums around it...
    Cuz obviously the tooth has no nerves xD
    ty :]

    And Pika... ty for the story, but I'm trying to stop chewing frozen liquid xD
    Good idea though :P
  8. Darkandroid Gets it Together

    Sep 30, 2006
    Oh god, I do this when I go to resturants where the drink comes with Ice. My dad sometimes tell me not to when in a resturant beucause it is quite..well not proper. XD

    It's not really a big issue to worry about, sure it can damage your teeth, but that with excessive chewing of ice. One idea might be to not have drinks with ice, sure it won't be as cold but there would be nothing to chew.
  9. The Fuk? Dead

    Jul 2, 2008
    They say it wears down at your teeth, but I still do it anyway.
  10. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    Same, except its my mom who tells me to stop it XD

    I suck ice all the time, I don't even know why, just a habit like yours, I like to crunch it.

    To be honest hun since you aren't actually hurting anyone other than your teeth then I don't see why they are so determined to make you stop.
  11. jafar custom title

    Dec 28, 2007
    When you order drinks, ask for no ice.
  12. Wulphie! Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jan 20, 2008
    Right behind you .
    You are like me, except I bite my fingernails.
    I just have to resist if I ever want them to get long.
    You just have to resist if you want that tooth to stop hurting.
    But seriously, what's the problem?
    I can't figure it out...
  13. Repliku Chaser

    Well, you should try to do some other things like drink liquids without ice in them if you can or chew on some sugar free gum which will help restore damage to your teeth that you do when crunching ice.

    It's not a 'horrible' habit to do so just try to moderate it some. Also, try sucking on the ice more instead of chewing it right away so it weakens the ice and then it won't be so damaging to your teeth. Basically, many habits do involve chewing on things, putting things in the mouth, biting fingernails, some people chew on hair, etc. Ice is well, not as bad as some of those heh.
  14. Bareri-San 私はポテトだ。

    May 31, 2008
    Rieze Maxia
    i almost have the same problem as you... except, i chew on chewing gum and i go through like 3 14-packs a day DX

    hey, just dont listen to what other people telling you to stop, it's a habit you can't help. (I chewed on my nails until my mum gave me permanent fake nails)​
  15. Finale Wannabe Nobody

    Feb 3, 2007
    i've never heard of that O.o
  16. White_Rook Looser than a wizard's sleeve.

    Mar 6, 2007
    A chess board
    Chewing ice isn't bad... unless you're Hitler.
  17. Repliku Chaser

    Habits can be quit or altered to be less harmful with self-discipline and work. To say that you can't help yourself means that you actually will never help yourself. You -can- do it but the moment you say you 'can't' means that you won't even try. People kick habits all the time.
  18. robert the yogurt Traverse Town Homebody

    Maybe your stressed or just warm or maybe to cold try and do things to be thwe opposite of all those three sorry I can't help anymore than that.
  19. Shadow_Rocks Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 2, 2008
    I just chew alot if I don't my gum get's swollen so that's why I'm always asking for gum at school because we can chew gum at my middle school
  20. ♥AL90♥ Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 21, 2007
    Why is it about where I live? Where do you live?
    What you could do is suck the ice until there's nothing left to chew.