You've got good skillz. 1: It's too red. The lighting would seem awkward but in the sig it works out perfectly. The effects sort of overwhelm the sig. But don't get me wrong, they still look awesome. The text is great, too. 2: :/ The lighting is odd. At first glance, it's perfect but when you really look at it, it's too far placed to the right. You can see Bowzer better here, too, plus. The effects fit and it flows well. And that's pretty much it. I think they're great sigs.
1-)Wich Sign: The Red: A DK/BK from the MMORPG MU with the Red Dragon Set The Green: Bowser from Mario series 2-)If you Rep+ and give credits it's okay
The first one is a bit too red for my taste. And the lighting is really high and bright. You added several effects. Try adding a few less. Your effects already pwn. Excellent job with the second one.
It seems a bit too contrasted =\ The render is a bit hard to see. It's not bad but you seem to use alot of brushes right? Try smudging more.
Thanks for the CnC!, but actually I just use a few brushes. Only one for the light source and some splatter brushes for the crippling mask effect. And, could you rate the sign?
8.9/10 would seem fitting. Oh, well it looked more of a brushed. Well, than it's pretty decent that you could get effects like that.