Twilightsown's Fanfiction Home Page

Discussion in 'Archives' started by twilightsown, Dec 7, 2006.

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  1. twilightsown King's Apprentice

    Sep 30, 2006
    The outskirts of the Sahara desert.
    What this is is what the title says. Here is where I will keep a list of all of my stories that I post here on these forums. Managing all of them and trying to get everyone to the other's is becoming to ardous a task without having a centralized location. From now on, on the bottom of each story will be a link back to this page, and from here, you will find a link to each and every story I post. Hopefully this will cut down on confusion, and make it easier for you to find my stories. I will put them in Chronological order in the order I WROTE them, not the order I posted them. This will allow you to follow a timeline and see how my writing style has evolved. I hope to hear comments from you all, from good to bad, so long as its constructive, I really don't mind XD

    Twilightsown's Fanfictions:

    --Kingdom Hearts
    ---Fallng Rain
    ---The Fading Flower
    ---Summer Vacation
    ---Spirit of the Fallen

    --Final Fantasy
    ---When the Light Fades


    --Kingdom Hearts
    ---I've Found You Once Again
    ---Child of Forgotten Memories

    Divine of Grace's Fanfictions (My Girlfriend's):
    -Just One Chance
    -Where'd You Go?

    (For a complete list of ALL of my fanfictions, my account is here)
  2. twilightsown King's Apprentice

    Sep 30, 2006
    The outskirts of the Sahara desert.
    Updated with a new story: I've Found You Once Again.
    I'll post here whenever I post a new story, so that people can locate them easier.
    Summary: Summary: [To save another, one must often give of themselves]Sora's ultimate sacrifice. oneshot [Twilight to Dawn]
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