Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1 review (no spoilers)

Discussion in 'Movies & Media' started by Shikou, Nov 19, 2011.

  1. Shikou Kingdom Keeper

    May 13, 2009
    Name: Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn -Part 1-
    Score: 4 out of 5
    Spoilers: None

    Story: Bella and Edward get married, Bella finds out shes pregnant with a half human half vampire baby inside her, Jacob wants to rip Edward into pieces when he finds out, the wolf tribe finds out and want to kill Bella, Jacob and Edward team up and try to help Bella and protect her from harm.

    Score/Soundtrack: The music in the movie is slightly the same like in the first and third movie and the music is placed at the right moment in the movie especially in the ending sequence. One familiar song is played in the wedding that was in the first movie.

    Acting: The acting is improved (its hard to notice). The only people who haven't improved much would be the people who play Bella, Edward, and Jacob. Jacob's actor is slightly better but it's hard to notice when he has a emotionless face all of the time including Edward's actor.

    The good: Like the other movies new installments get better then the previous one. It hypes you up and want to see the Part 2.

    The bad: Stephenie Meyer's cameo was horrible and so obvious she doesn't know how to make a good one like in the first movie. You have to wait a WHOLE year for Part 2.

    Recommend to a friend: In my case it would be hard to recommend this to anyone I know because they dont like Twilight so no. If you like Twilight go ahead and watch it. If you dont like Twilight then dont waste money on watching it because that is the smart thing to do.

    My personal opinion: Im not that 'big' into Twilight I only got into the first one was because I had nothing better to do and my friend had the DVD at the time and I needed to kill some time so I watched it out of boredom. If you say anything bad about Twilight I really wouldn't care. I love watching movies with a interesting story and I watch movies with a open mind (that is why I dont really care about the sparkling vampires).