It just occurred to me that I do not know my months in order. Never bothered learning it, never picked it up; twelve terms that I cannot put into chrononological order. Why even bother at this point, memorizing whimsical words coined by monkeys. Oh, but whatever, in the end this is just an attempt at justifying my faulty memory. I do not remember things that do not matter, things that do not hold significance - holidays happen to be one such thing. Still, you would think that, after having it crammed down my throat year after year, it would sink in... Come to think of it, I do not know dates either. When is Christmas? The 25th, right? Mother's day is coming up soon, apparently. Was on a Sunday, if I recall correctly. This Sunday? While we're at it, when is Halloween? Just random musings of mine. If it bores you, feel free to ignore the above and share thoughts of your own on nonsensical issues such as this. That, or post photos of your favorite animal(s).
What, are you going to transmute this into yet another sex thread? I mean, good god, I have two of those, minus this one (provided that we start derailing this one with sensual photography). A bit sad, now that I think about it. I'm sure that you have all had your fair share of it coming from me, but... Spoiler This thread, derailed within the first few posts. As with all of my threads.
January February March April May June July August September October November December Mother's day is always on the 2nd Sunday of May Christmas is on the 25th of December Halloween is on October 31st (incidentally, it's also Mr. Pumpkin's birthday. See what he did there?) Done. You're welcome. Don't say Thank You.
I only keep track of important holidays. Like Christmas, New Years', my brother's birthday, my own birthday, Halloween, Valentine's Day and.....that's it.
My friend doesn't know the alphabet... she's almost 16 :s I can tell you when New years day is ^^ I know that one very well. I do have a strange memory for remembering birthdays people have told me, I can't remember normal things but birthdays are just fine.