This is my third tutorial on how to make a sig using my most recent style. It’s for GIMP, but you might be able to follow it using PhotoShop. To do this tutorial, you should have some knowledge of GIMP. Step 1: Get some Brushes. Here are some links to brushes that might be useful: Download and Install them. Step 2: Open up a New File. (File>New). You can use any size you like, but I use 400x125. Fill the canvas with black. Step3: Open up your render. (File>Open As Layer…). Resize and place it to your liking. I’ll be using this wonderous one of Billie Joe Armstrong: Step 4: Create a New Layer. Make your color White, and take out one the brushes from Step 1. (This layer should be beneath the render layer.) Brush near the focal point. Step 5: (OPTIONAL)Duplicate the Layer where you just brushed on. Find a color that matches your render, and do a Gradient Map (Filters>Colors>Map>Gradient Map) with that color and Black. Since I have a Darker render, I’m not going to do this step. Plus white is one of my favorite colors. XD Step 6: Now, to blend render! Hide your render layer, and do a Copy Visible. (Edit> Copy Visible. Edit> Paste) Be sure to make it a new layer. Step 7: Reshow the render layer (making sure it is STILL behind the pasted layer.) Right click on the render layer and go to Alpha To Selection. It should now select the render. Go to the Pasted Layer, and go to Select>Feather… Feather it by 35-60 Pixels. Then, on the pasted Layer, go to Edit> Clear. Step 8: Go to Edit> Copy Visible. Edit> Paste. (Be sure to make it a new layer!) Then, switch your FG and BG colors to Orange and Blue. Go to Filters>Colors>Map>Gradient Map. Set it to an Opacity and Layer Mode that YOU like. I used Grain Merge at 53% Opacity. Step 9: (OPTIONAL) Add some C4d’s or Splatter brushes. Step 10: (Optional) Add Text and a Border. Finished Result: This tutorial was made by Misty or .... Please DO NOT rip, or else the Care Bears will get you in the night.