
Discussion in 'Archives' started by Xendane, May 30, 2009.

  1. Xendane Banned

    Jul 3, 2007
    Jammin' out in my office on my GEE-TAR!!!
    You know what the funny thing about this story is? It's not all my work alone. Me, R3c0Nzi13, 9th Genesis, and Ryu(yeah yeah, laugh it up)all had a say in this story. Ryu, being the artist, did the visual description, I wrote the story, Leif typed it, R3c0Nzi13 did the editing, and 9th Genesis put some style to it. But, not a lot, since we suck at animation.

    Anyhow, here it is.

    Turn the Key, And Behold
    Written by: Xendane,9th Genesis,R3c0Nzi13, and Ryu Kasakagi


    The "Key", as it was so carelessly called, wasn't actually a key. It was more of a person. A person with a weapon. A weapon shaped strangely like an over sized key.

    No, the days of Sora had long passed. Now, newer generations gave existence to another...


    It wasn't any real mystery of how Haru had gotten the Keyblade. It happened just as it had happened so many ages ago for that boy, Sora. Late one night, his home was attacked by Heartless; his best friend turned evil, the girl he knew stolen. In the darkest of his trials, the Keyblade appeared, and a voice whispered to him, "Fear not for your life, for you bear witness to the strongest of all weapons that has ever existed. You are the wielder of the Key to the Light."

    Well, needless to say, Haru was dumbfounded. He, of all people, wielding the Keyblade? No, there must have been a mistake. A mistake, yes. It wasn't him, it was...


    Haru shook his head. No, that wasn't right. It wasn't supposed to be him, it was supposed to be somebody else! Why was he chosen? Why not somebody more deserving? What had he done to deserve this?

    Alas, poor Haru had little time to contemplate on the matter. A gigantic black... thing... had appeared, and carved out of its torso was the shape of a heart. A rather large heart.

    A dark hand came crashing down on Haru, but the boy had long since been a master of one crucial ability: Dodging. It was his ability to dodge that led him onto the wrist of the beast, running up its arm, and carving a blinding scar into its head. The light that was emitted from the gaping wound was bright enough to send Haru to his knees.

    That is, if there were a floor to place his knees on.

    The stained glass platform he had been standing on gave way, and both he and the beast of darkness plummeted into the dark abyss below...

    ~End of prologue~

    If you guys enjoyed this, please tell me, so that I can put up the other parts we've gotten done so far for you. If you haven't guessed yet, the experience Sora went through is suddenly looping around and taking hold of the unfortunate Haru, who really wants no part in this whole thing whatsoever, but has no choice.

    Basic summary for you, there. :D
  2. Chevalier Crystal Princess

    Jan 8, 2008
    Trapped on an Island
    Guys...I'm afraid I'm gonna have to ask you to cool it. Jiku is giving her critique on this. I don't know anything of the signature, but as far as the posts are concerned, it is constructive criticism. And when it means lonesome, it means it's not Fan-fic related. I know this is original, but it's still a fan-fic. Don't worry it can easily be moved.

    This is Critique. I know, sometimes it's a bit severe, but everyone gets it...only absorb what you may find useful to improve, it's no biggie.
  3. Chevalier Crystal Princess

    Jan 8, 2008
    Trapped on an Island
    Oh, sorry...I forgot to give critique...You know I read most stories at the creativity corner, but I don't know how to critique correctly.

    I think it wasn't bland, it's a prologue's not required much. I though it was a bit short, though, but once again, it's a I can't really say much on it. This is merely a start, so it's best to wait and see how it develops.