Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Jordier0xs0x, Dec 4, 2007.

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  1. Jordier0xs0x King's Apprentice

    Jan 28, 2007
    The Slightly Strange Story About A Forum We All Know: The Continuing

    OMGOSH I had swimming carnival today, I came last In both races ^^ But It was funny, because I came last like REALLY bad so at the finish I shouted "YA! I CAME LAST! GO ME! WOOOO!" Everyone looked at me xD Also, tomorrow I have High School Orientation Day 8D Finding out which classes I'll be In ^^

    Err...Uh Anyway, enough about my day. Heres chapter two, yes I forgot to put who's In the story last time, so I'll do It this time.

    Ducky (Isn't actually IN the story, just mentioned a lot of times)
    DS (Only gets mentioned)
    Tummer (Only Gets Mentioned)

    Note: DO NOT GET OFFENDED This story Is just a story I made up, I may not even know some of the people I put In.

    Warning: There Is a TINY bit of gore In this

    The Coders, of KHV, sighed In anger. Why did DS leave Ducky to be the owner of KHV until he came back? Of course all the Admins and Mods were on that mission to save the world, so It was left to the Coders to stop mess, although It was kind of hard when one of your team mates had already been banned by Ducky from standing up to him. If only they had Admin or Mod powers....They could stop this mess, de-power Ducky and act like nothing had happened before DS came back....Or they could just leave the mess and blame Ducky for it all, because It was his fault after all. I guess you could say this had been the most excitement they have had ever since DS told Tummer to STFU...Oh...And the monsters, but they weren't aloud to go, all the new people and the Coders....and Ducky. Evilman assumed that DS didn't want to take Ducky because he would get In the way, so he made him Owner until they came back. Bad Idea.
    Evilman winced at the Colorful KHV screen, the banner now being 'DUCKY RULES KHV! The Ultimate Source For Ducky Ruling KHV'. The KHV screen was filled with Yellow, Pink, Black, Red, Purple and all sorts of colors...It made It almost hard to see. "Hurry DS....I think KHV will explode soon..." Evilman sighed

    "You mean...We will never see each other again?" A dramatic voice sounded from the television "Don't think that we will always be together". Vivi winced at the Movie "OH EW EW GET OFF! NO KISSING MOVIES!" NRA shouted "I thought we agreed to have a movie we like on" sounded Jordie, sitting next to Angel eating Ice-cream. Vivi winced again at the thought "We didn't mean this kind of movie" he said before NRA started an argument. The three girls rolled their eyes and Madi got up, turning the movie off then turning to Darky who walked In the room. The six had been put on a mission and It was an extremely hard mission as well, only because this mission, you couldn't have too many people but you needed as much people as you could get. DS had decided six skilled people would be enough and as It turned out, these six skilled people all had different kinds of skills.
    One person, not naming anyone In particular (Madi) was obsessed with Death Note, she had watched every episode from A to Z and knew all good fighting techniques from watching an Anime, sounds crazy, but It came In handy. Then another person (Darky) was another one who knew how to fight very well, especially with his handy axe, no one knew why he picked an axe...It was his secret. So those two people were the fighting people, now lets look onto the Brains or err....what ever you would like to call them. Vivi wasn't one to mess with, he was a good fighter but always seemed to do things right, usually by accident. He was also a particularly good planner as well so they always relied on him to do the planning. Second was Jordie. Jordie was quite good at mental skills, she could always think of something off the top of her head and she was excellent at skill games, they called her the 'Lucky Charm'. Although she always had to get someone to save her...lets just say she was the dansel In distress. Now lets move onto the disguise and distractions. Of course, NRA hated to be called an Distraction, but he was very good at It. He always seemed to say things before he realized, and was always the one running away. It came quite handy In tough situations. Angel was very good at looking like another person. She always loved to dress up and like NRA, It came very handy In tough situations. She could always, somehow, get past things.
    These six people were put on an Important task...the only problem Is, they had absolutely no Idea what It was, so they watched a movie while they were on the jet plane. Madi grinned as she looked at a Death Note DVD on the table. NRA looked at her suspiciously then realized what she was looking at "Oh no you don't..." Suddenly the two rushed to the table where the Death Note DVD was and started fighting over It "C'mon Just this once!!" Madi shouted "Thats what you said last time! We've watched this episode one thousand times!!!!" NRA looked at her "Maybe If we got some new episodes...." The two kept fighting as the other four shook their heads "When do you think this fight will stop?" asked Darky, blandly. Angel got up "I don't know, hopefully before they wreck the plane" and walked out of the room to the kitchen, putting the half eaten Ice cream back In the fridge. When she was walking back, she saw something odd.
    Angel screamed In horror as she saw something awful and sickening and she wanted to throw up, after stepping In a pool of blood.
    The other five came rushing In and Darky looked In horror as well "What..? Who's driving the plane then??" The plane driver was dead, his head had been shot open and blood was pouring out. Vivi took the wheel of the plane, but he had no Idea what he was doing "HOW THE **** DO YOU DRIVE A PLANE?" Vivi shouted as NRA tried to help, but It was no use. Jordie looked at the bloody dead body and frowned "This guy wasn't shot In the head...he was stabbe-" she stopped as a shadow came up behind her. Angel turned around and saw something that looked like a goat crossed between a hairy pig with a snout and hooves, holding a giant knife behind Jordie "JORDIE!" Angel shouted and Jordie looked up as the knife nearly reached her body....
    Darky came just In time, stabbing the thing before It reached Jordie "Thanks" she said to Darky "This still doesn't solve ou-" he was just about to finish the sentence when the plane tumbled over "OH MY GOSH! GIVE IT HERE!" Madi shouted as she took the wheel of the plane and the plane turned back. NRA rolled his eyes "Let me guess...You learnt this off Death Note as well?" Madi laughed "No actually, I got free plane driving tickets one day and learned how to drive a plane" she grinned.

    To Be Continued...
  2. Cocohints "Up to now, the most discussed topic is global war

    Sep 20, 2007
    Hunting for the Behemoth King fffffffff-
    Madi moments for epic win.. XD That is all.
  3. Gwen Farewell.

    Apr 7, 2007

    <3I luff you Jordie​
  4. O R A N G E C is the heavenly option

    Mar 30, 2007
    between an erupting earth and an exploding sky

    I love these stories about the members.

    They make meh smile.

    Great jobbbb.

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