Traveling Between Worlds

Discussion in 'General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts' started by Calxiyn, Dec 18, 2014.

  1. Calxiyn Keyblade Master

    Jun 6, 2012
    Cisgender Female
    Alright so I was recently having this discussion with my friend, and we realized neither of us has a very good answer when it comes to answering how characters like Jiminy and the Beast being able to travel through the worlds without the Gummi Ship, Keyblade Gilder/Armor or Teleportation (Like Merlin and Maleficent use)

    Has it ever really been explained how Jiminy was able to get to Disney Castle and the Beast to Hallow Bastion? I know the characters themselves have said stuff about it, but it's not very helpful.

    Jiminy said: "It was terrible. We were scattered. And as far as I can see, I'm the only one who made it to this castle."

    Beast said: "I simply believed. Nothing more to it. When our world fell into darkness, Belle was taken from me. I vowed I would find her again no matter what the cost. I believed I would find her. So, here I am."

    Was it the strength of their hearts like the Beast? Or were they just floating through the darkness until they magically found their way?

    The "Sea of Skies" is what is used to call the space between the worlds, and I'm pretty sure that Aqua and the gang have to wear the Keyblade Armor in order to protect themselves from the darkness since they're just flying out in the open with the Gilders, so the Beast and Jiminy just floating out in the middle of space minding their own business doesn't seem very possible.

    I was thinking it could have been something like the Corridors of Darkness. When the worlds fell into the darkness Jiminy and the Beast just tunneled directly through it in order to get to Disney Castle/Hallow Bastion?

    What do you guys think? If you have any kind of theory I'd like to hear it, this has sort of been bugging me.
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2014
  2. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    I always just assumed that their situation was no different than Sora, Riku, and Kairi when Destiny Islands was swallowed by the darkness, with Jiminy ending up in Disney Castle, and Beast finding himself in Hollow Bastion (probably his desire to find Belle brought him here rather than some other random world).
  3. Calxiyn Keyblade Master

    Jun 6, 2012
    Cisgender Female
    I always thought it was because Aqua puts the protective charm on Kairi's necklace. "One day when you're in trouble, the light within you will lead you to the light of another, someone to keep you safe". I figured that because Kairi's heart was inside of Sora, that the same thing applied and her heart took them to another "someone to keep her safe" which was King Mickey since
    In Re:Coded we find out he arrived at the same time as Sora, in Traverse Town but keeps himself out of sight.

    I also figured that Riku was using something like the Corridor of Darkness since he did get just disappear into it, but ya you're right, I didn't even think about how they got out safely either.
  4. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    Oh yeah, forgot about Riku using the CoD. And that theory you have on Sora may certainly have some truth to it. But there is the thing with Kairi's lifeless body randomly ending up in Neverland, which I think backs up my theory on how I believe Beast and Jiminy ended up where they were.
  5. Explode Who?!

    May 20, 2007
    New York
    Secret Ansem's Report 11 talks about how Traverse Town is a special world.

    When Destiny Islands was destroyed, Sora was sucked into the massive corridor of darkness and appeared in Traverse Town. Mickey and Pluto (as seen in Re:Coded) found their way into the Realm of Darkness through the corridors that appeared there (though it's unclear if they went together or separately).

    The Robed Figure said that Destiny Islands had been "tied to the darkness", possibly meaning that it was accessible through the End Of The World. End Of The World is a world without a heart, and seems to act (at least in KH1) as the hub world for heartless. It consists of the remnants of worlds that are destroyed, and entryways to worlds that are not (interestingly, the worlds that have been locked have different colored portals in the World Terminus than those that are still unlocked).

    In Birth by Sleep, Mickey uses a Star Shard (a form of Gummi Block) to travel across worlds, though he doesn't know how to control it. Donald and Goofy also use it at the end of Dream Drop Distance to get to The World That Never Was, presumably under Yen Sid's guidance.

    And at the end of Kingdom Hearts II, Sora and Riku use the Door to Light to exit the Realm of Darkness.

    My point is there are many ways to travel between worlds. The most obvious, physical way is through the Sea of Skies. However, this is only ever used in KH1, because the "walls" between worlds prevent travel without special methods. In KH2 and BBS, you use the Lanes Between. In BBS, Master Eraqus unlocks them for you. In KH2, you have to do it yourself. The Lanes Between is said to have "darkness loom[ing] closer than usual within [it]", facilitating the need for armor. But it's not explicitly stated that this is also true of the Sea of Skies. Assuming the heartless don't destroy you first, it's possible that you can drift through the Sea of Skies without fear of corruption, though you won't be going anywhere fast without a Gummi Ship or Keyblade Glider. That's probably what happened to Jiminy, Pinnocchio, Geppetto, and most convincingly of all, Monstro, who is actually seen swimming in this "sea", totally fine, except for a few heartless that found their way inside him.

    The Beast may have done this too, though it's also possible that he followed the heartless back to Hollow Bastion through a Corridor of Darkness. Or he even could have gone through a Corridor of Light, since "simply believ[ing]" is how Sora and Riku made it back to Kairi.

    I'm doing a bit of speculating about some things, particularly on the nature of the Sea of Skies. It seems logical, but there's no confirmation on it, at least that I could find. So take that with a grain of salt. There's a lot of mysterious elements in the Kingdom Hearts universe, some of which we probably won't get any official clarification on. So while there may not be an official answer, there are plenty of viable conclusions.
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2014