I just saw the movie Taken and it was about this girl who went to France, and was kidnapped by Albanian men, who deal in selling women as prostitutes. They targeted traveling girls. I was just wondering, is there any truth behind this? Do people actually do this in any of Europe or the world? Please move this if it is in the wrong section.
Yes, Sadly it does happen in some parts of the world...They even have houses devoted to keep these girls locked up in, It's a sicking trade and It's currently going on still.
Pretty sure it is. Maybe the movie didn't portray it in the most realistic fashion (i wouldn't know), but it's definitely real.
Yes. It is extremely real. And the sad part is that traveling women are more suceptible (spelled wrong?) to this. They are foreign to the land and are unsure of the language. Its a terrible truth that is going on.