totus meus mendum {AvP Roleplay}

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Of Pride And Other Things, May 29, 2011.

  1. Of Pride And Other Things Destiny Islands Resident

    Oct 30, 2010
    Albuquerque. :/

    I cannot do it anymore. You promised us, you promised these children that all we would be doing is helping them, and we've done nothing but hurt them. This letter is my resignation, if you have not figured it out; I am willing to lose my job, my life because of what we've done to these children.

    Commander, you know as well as I do that we deserve to die for what we've done to these children. We deserve to burn below the Earth. If I die in at least partially righting my wrong, so be it. I realize that there cannot be salvation for what we've done. We could fix their flesh, but we could never fix what has been done to their minds.

    As you read this, I will be gone. Most likely, the children will be gone, too. I will not tell you how I let them out, I will not reveal where I told them to go or what to do to escape. All I will tell you is that I helped them to the best of my ability, and that every moment until my grave I will be praying that they escaped and that you cannot find them.

    You know, deep in your heart, what we've done here was wrong. You say it is for science but you know, you know that it's not. This is not science, this is torture. Every moment you try and make it go on, Commander, is another nail in your coffin. These children are strong, stronger than you know. I spent months with them. They are strong, and they will defeat you.

    Sincerely, Cain Weyland, Lead Director of Science and Research."

    The escape had begun and the guards were searching by the time the letter had been found. In the wing where the subjects were being held, a letter had been placed, a copy of the same, into each of their cells earlier that day.​

    "Subjects, you do not know who I am. My name is Dr. Cain Weyland, and I apologize, apologize from the deepest wells of my heart for what has transpired in this facility. You did not deserve any of this, none of you. That is why I am going to help you escape. During the scheduled socializing time and recreation time, you will discover that there will be no guards. They have been told it has been cancelled for today. The North guard's office will be unlocked and a guard will be asleep, drugged inside of it. Take his pistol and his assault rifle, and find whatever other weapons you can in the room. Bind him so that he cannot raise an alarm and use his ID card to bypass the card scanner. After that I cannot help you; all I can offer you is advice. Find the Artifact Room and the Security Arms Office and use his card to gain entry. There you will find weapons. By then, they will have most certainly figured out your escape, and you must rely on your ingenuity to find your way out of this facility. I have faith that you will prevail. Trust nothing that is said to you."

    The cryptic letter was delivered three hours ago, shoved through a grate in the door in the early hours of the morning. The doors will automatically open within a minute.

    What will you do?


    A Backstory:

    It is cliche, but it works. Kidnapping children whom no one cares about, that no one know; children off the street that no one would miss. It happened, and in a blur of motion, the children taken were transported off of Earth. Darkhep 3 was what they named the planet, where they first discovered the ancient hunting grounds of Alien and Predator, had recovered the first, acid-eroded bodies of the defeated Aliens and their hunters. They were not welcome on the planet, though for now they were accepted; they had their base on an island in the southern part of the primarily jungle-covered planet, somewhere where almost no Predators or Aliens went. The mainland was visible from their island, though trecherous waves buffeted the rocks that surrounded the island. To escape was hard. The children all gave up their plans of escape long ago, however; those kids, ranging from ages 14 to 19, were held there for years.

    It is said that, in the future, genetic modification can be expanded to include not just plants but people; Weyland-Yutani pursued this concept doggedly and succeeded. A group of survivors who came to be called as The Mixers, overcame the crippling deficits that were placed upon them and thrived as much as they could. It was already proved that they could take xenomorph DNA and splice it with people; the clone of Ridley Scott and the human-mixed xenomorph incident proved that. However, the results were ugly and rough-they gave up the project until a revolutionary idea came about. Instead of mutating the xenomorph, mutate the human. That's what they did.

    Using samples of both Predator and xenomorph DNA, they changed these children in the name of science. What started as a scientific experiment became so much more, however, when they would drag out the changes. They mastered the art of a complete and utter species change, though when the Mixers came about and demonstrated the ability to survive being shoved in the middle, that's what they took a new interest in. Every teenager there has something different that's been changed about them. They had dreamed of escape for the years they'd been imprisoned, and now it's finally come.

    Except will they make it out of the facility? If they do, where will they go? How will they make it to the mainland? From there, how will they get back to Earth?

    Case Files:

    [SIZE="1"]Full Name: [Last, First]
    Age: [14-19]
    Gender: [Male/Female]
    Role: [Mixer, Scientist, Alien, Predator]
    Species: [Human, xenomorph, Predator, Mixer with [insert race here, can only be one]
    Height: [{feet}',{inches}"]
    Hair color: [Brown, black, etc]
    Eye color: [If any.]
    Aspects Shifted: [If a Mixer, describe what has happened to you.]
    Weapon of Choice: [Be appropriate. For Mixers, the following weapons are available (one each): Wrist blades, Smart Disk, Combi Stick, Pulse Rifle (equivalent of a machine gun) Pulse Shotgun, or [Pulse Scoped Rifle is now taken].
    I.D. Photo: [Url link, please.]
    Personality Traits: [Few sentences.]
    Biography: [At least a paragraph.]Other: [Other.][/SIZE]

    Weapon Descriptions:
    Wristblades: Two of the same weapon. It attaches onto someone's forearm and has three buckles that one pulls tight; at a motion and a squeezing of the trigger(pressed against the palm by the top of the wrist bracer), three wickedly long blades come out from the top, curling over the hands and providing a deadly close-range weapon.

    Smart Disk: This disk can be thrown with or without the guiding laser. For newcomers, however, the laser is almost completely crucial. It comes with a pair of gloves to defend the user's hand. Like a shuriken, this bladed star can be thrown and will follow a laser that emits from the user's glove. It takes a lot of practice to master, due to trying to control it while it's going forwards and backwards; when it is mastered, however, the weapon has the ability to mortally wound multiple people.

    Combi Stick: This javelin-like object is perhaps one of the Predator's most powerful weapons. It can be used either short-range or long, and is utterly demolishing; when it is thrown, the gloves that the user is wearing sends a signal for the javelin to come back. It will return from as far as the user can throw it, though they have to be careful; it's not uncommon for young Predators that attempt to use the Combi Stick to get bruises all over their arms and torso. While it's strong enough (it's a partially self-propelling device, like the Smart Disk) to impale someone and nail them to a wall, it takes a long time to retrieve and use again, and cannot really be used for multiple targets unless they're in a line. A hit-or-miss weapon, albeit one with titanic power.

    Human ammunition is required for all guns below.

    Pulse Rifle: This all-purpose gun is a necessity for any Marine. It is fully automatic with a high rate of fire, and the magazines hold one hundred bullets each; it has minimal kickback and is a good gun for anyone to use. An underbarrel grenade launcher can be employed if one can find that kind of ammunition, and causes an explosion equivalent to that of a hand grenade. Good anywhere from close to medium range, though once things get long range it gets difficult to hit things.

    Pulse Shotgun: This gun is a lifesaver for those that aren't good with sharpshooting. This double-barrel shotgun can defend you well in a close group against multiple targets with its' eight round clip; the gun has to be pumped after each shot. The power diminishes rapidly with how far the creature moves away, though because xenomorphs and Predators both sometimes need to get close to finish someone off, the alternative double-barrel fire can demolish anything that's within a meter of the shooter.

    Pulse Scoped Rifle[taken]: This gun is a definate hit-or-miss, much like the Combi Stick. The scope equipped on it outlines both xenomorphic and normal heat signatures; it is a single-shot gun. It is extremely accurate and can kill with a single shot if done in the right place; even if it misses, the large caliber bullets can make a serious wound that often can't be recovered from. It can demolish groups from far away, though close and medium range fighting is almost completely out of the question with it.

    The Planet:​

    Darkhep 3 is almost completely jungle. From the Equator, about three-quarters of the planet in both directions is coated in lush forestry. Temperatures cn range from 36 to 130 degrees, perfect for thick wildlife to flourish among the probably poisonous flora of the place. It is a hard existence, surviving outside of a Predator village; beasts and weather and everything was against you. The Poles of the planet have water on them, though the rest of the planet is almost completely solid land.

    Open. Yeeeeah.​