Top list of Doctor Companions

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by venster, Apr 18, 2012.

  1. venster You never heard of me, but I pop in time to time

    Jan 24, 2007
    I'm gonna take account of ALL the Companions of the new Gen Doctor.
    Now starting from the worst...

    16)Adam Mitchell (9th doc): Oh god he was just annoying an won't listen to the Doctor at all and just seemed to cause MORE trouble.
    15)Jackson Lake (The Next Doctor w/ 10th doc): eh....not much
    14)Rosita Farisi (The Next Doctor w/ 10th doc): eh....not much
    13)Adelaide Brooke (water of mars w/ 10th doc) : she was really stubborn, but at least she was pretty courageous
    12)Lady Christina de Souza (planet of the dead ep w/ 10th doc): Pretty cool thief
    11)Astrid Peth (Voyage of the Damned w/ 10th doc): She's chill and crrraaaazzzyyy and it's pretty sad what happened to her D=
    10)Mickey Smith (9th and 10th doc): I seriously was kinda annoyed when he "hacked" cause it wasn't really hacking in the ep where he launched the missle. And cause he did that, he suddenly became a computer wiz. =.=
    9)Martha Jones (10th doc): She just seemed to just follow the 10th doc JUST cause she liked him. At least she got to her senses in the end. And she became pretty cool later.
    8)Rose Tyler: Yeah, never really liked her. Personally, I HATE it how she literally just left Mickey at the beginning and went with the doc. Such a heartless move there! And I really don't like how she fell in love with the Doctor. I just don't like it when companions fall for the Doctor. I want to see the Doctor's Adventures, not his love life. But at least she became pretty cool at the end of season 4.
    7)Wilfred Mott: He may be an old man, but he's just awesome and hilarious.
    6)Craig Owens: HE IS SOOOO HILARIOUS! I just love him! I want to see more episodes with him!
    5)River Song: I just HATE how she married the doctor. but her ending is so tragic. Plus, she can kick so much butt! I love her personality.
    4)Rory Williams: He's pretty solid of a companion. and he freakin PUNCHED THE DOCTOR for his love O_O such guts
    3)Amy Pond: I admit...she reminded me of a whiney teenager at first, but in the end. She became just amazing and lovable.
    2)Jack Harkness: He's pretty sexy. ;3 And how can you NOT love him. BARROWMAAAANNNN! *shakes fist*
    1)Donna Noble: At first, I thought she was just plain annoying and so naggy. Which she was, actually. But when she became a companion, she was just awesome. She wanted to explore the universe just because she wanted to! Not because she wanted to follow someone she fell for. =.=lll She was so compassionate to others and wasn't afraid to challenge the Doctor when he either went too far or became heartless. Remember in the Turn Right episode? The doctor wouldn't even have been alive without her. Her attitude and sassy remarks just made everything a plus. She also became Doctor Donna and saved the universe! I must say she is probably the most important out of the main 4 companions. Then I just feel so bad for her that she had to forget all of it. It was just so tragic.

    I cannot put in Sarah Jane Smith because I know there is more to her from the original series, so I cannot make a fair judgement on her.

    Agree or not agree to the list, I'm not changing my opinion. =D