Eh, I realized I haven't posted much of my work here so I decided to share a little bit of my old and recent stuff with you guys and see what you guys think of it! ^ Bokeh photography. ^ I was working with blurryness and the movement of the people that was walking by. CnC or whatever. :' )
Adoring the shot with the cat <3 I love detail in it, and how sharp the focus is. Lovelovelove the sky shot, too. The lighting is fantastic. The sparkler pics are pretty cool, although I think the lighting and composition could be a little better. Shooting cambient things is a little harder, though, so props for thinking it! Out of curiosity, what camera do you use? And what mode?
Thanks for the CnC it is much appreciate it! And thanks a lot! I use a Nikon D5000 it's such a darling <3 and I use it on manual mode it's much more easier to work with for me. :' )
Okay! I use a Nikon D300(0?) I want to say, also using manual mode. <3 It's nice because manual gives you a lot more control.