I know this is going to sound like I'm making crap up. Those of you who know me well should know that I don't go fishing for attention like that. This was just such an odd night that I need to talk about it. I don't blame anyone who doesn't believe me. If I wasn't there I would call BS on this too. I'm also posting this as a bit of a reality check. The whole thing seems surreal and I'm expecting to go to bed and wake up to find this post gone and that it didn't actually happen. So, I ended up at a Twista concert with my brother tonight. For those of you who don't know my choice of music spans the heavier side of rock, I prefer Christian and get more uncomfortable the less clean it gets. I'm also very introverted (hence me being here a lot), I didn't even go to to most of my school dances. So going to a rap concert, that most of the lyrics don't sit right and half the place acted like a club, really wasn't my idea of a good time to start with. But it gets better. Once my brother has had a few beers he's trying to get me laid. I'm hoping to save my first kiss for marriage, I'm not sure if I'll do that but obviously going all the way with anyone was not going to happen. However there were two factors I underestimated. First, even drunk my brother would make a good salesman; especially to people that are even more drunk. Second, the more I turned them down the more into me they got. Forbidden Fruit psychology I guess. By the end of the night I had four girls that would hardly leave me alone and a few more checking me out that didn't want to deal with competition but would still flirt as they passed by. Friends of my brother who know I'm still holding my V-card are now congratulating me for the attention I don't want and are trying to buy me drinks that I can't legally take. With all these people gathered around me I'm attracting more people who want to be where the action is at. All of which was awkward but w/e. Then we go to the after party. A party with an open bar, mind you. Everyone is getting drunker by the minute around here. The girls rapidly move from "let me rub your beard" to "let me give you a lapdance" and to top it off there are bongs being passed around, to which no one at the party believes that I'm clean so they are getting pissed that I won't take a hit. Somewhere in all this a guy decides that he wants to fight me, I still don't know the exact reason why. I hear "I'm gonna kill you, you hippy-Jesus-*******!" and he runs/stumbles across the room at me where he then trips/collapses. I manage to catch him before he smashes his face on the coffee table. Now he starts yelling for me to stop touching him. So I lay him down on the floor where he as good as passes out. Now his buddies show up thinking I just knocked him out or something. One guy then comes up to me with a knife. Angry drunk guy with a knife instantly meets the second reason for me to fight, to protect myself from a potentially lethal injury. So between me being a weight lifter and him being way too drunk one punch to his face is all it took to have him on the floor. Other guys get freaked out that I took him down that quick, and that I had the balls to take on a guy with a knife, and back down. At this point I'm the goodie-two-shoes and the bad-ass at the same time and can't fend the girls off with a stick (if I was fortunate enough to have that as an option). I even had a couple of bras thrown at me. I eventually had to drive my brother home because he could barely stand. The whole way back he would only talk about two things. First, that it was his car and he should be driving. Second, that I was a player but he's disappointed that I didn't bring a girl into a bed room. So how was your day KHV?
If I wanted it, I could of gotten it easily. But the fact is I didn't. Well, not like that anyway. I never thought I would have to work that hard to pull off sex-after-marriage.
Well done standing your ground and staying strong to your convictions, if this is true then I believe a lot of respect is due here.
I brought my brother to a Christrian Rock concert today. (The Winter Jam tour) he was telling me how hot the girls a few rows up from us were for the first half of the show. Then the lights came up for intermission and we found out the girls were like twelve. Not exactly an equal trade for what he put me through but it still made me laugh.
That sounds amazing. Glad you're safe. And congrats on still having your v-card after that. Willpower, much.
Your bro... is kinda a d*ck. No offence. But I'm proud of you for standing by your beliefs. I'm very similar in that respect, so high-fives are in order here. <3