It's called "Help poor ol' saint nick with his english homework" I have to write a "creepy" poem. It has to be more than 10 lines long, in a rhyming couplet style. Easy, right? Not so much. I'm terrible a poetry, and even worse at being creepy. But you guys are a bunch of creeps, so i figured this would be a good place for ideas.
I am aparantly able at poetry and also i'm kinda creepy in my own special way so heres an idea. Write one about Micheal Jackson, it should be simple after that.
****** poem about spiders, GO Clinging to the wall Just waiting to fall To crawl all over your hair And into the hole through which you breathe air. Watching you with eyes numbered eight Eight eyes filled with absolute hate With venom glistening on it's fangs From it's silvery web it hangs Deciding just which one of you to kill To attack you with considerable skill. This took me an hour to write.